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The Physical State of My Humiliation
He's Mine! Part 13
Ryeowook looked over towards Kangin, then asked, "Can you excuse us for a second?" Kangin shrugged, and Heechul walked into Ryeowook's room. "What do you want? I was about to tell Kangin that I---" Ryeowook interrupted, "Sungmin feels the same way about me!!" Ryeowook exclaimed, with Sungmin nodding and smiling big. Heechul's eyes widened, then looked back at Sungmin. Heechul walked up to him, then whispered in his ear, "Look, if you marry him, you'll never be bored with my brother. TRUST ME." Sungmin giggled, then gave Ryeowook a small hug (too cute!!! >w< wink . Heechul slightly smiled, then said, "I'll give ya'll some alone time. You guys better not do anything over the rating PG!!" Ryeowook rolled his eyes, then pushed Heechul out of the room. Ryeowook closed the door, then Sungmin whispered, "Let's just say he said the rating PG-13..." (O.O)

Eeteuk drove up towards Heechul's house, then turned off the car. He suddenly got a call from his cellphone. He jumped, then picked it up immediately, saying, "Hello?" It was his brother. "Hi! How are you? What are you up to now?" Eeteuk sighed, then answered, "Look, Donghae. I have no time for this right now. Can you call back later?" Donghae whined, "But I have so many things to tell you!! I came back from the English Village, and I met this girl! Can I continue?" Eeteuk groaned, looked at the house, then said, "Sure."

Heechul sighed, then sat down onto the couch, next to Kangin. "So...?" "What?" "What was it that you needed to tell me?" Kangin asked. Heechul's nerves got the better of him, and he didn't know what to say. "Well, I just---" "He likes you." Ryeowook said, walking out of the room, STILL holding hands with Sungmin. "That's what he's been trying to say for the last 15 minutes." Heechul shrugged, and got a nervous look on his face. Kangin's jaw dropped, then said, "There's been something I've been trying to tell you, too." Heechul pouted. Just when Kangin was about the open his mouth, Eeteuk barged in. "Don't do it, Kangin!" he shouted. Kangin looked back, with his eyes widened, "Eeteuk?" "How can you say no to me? Huh? You've been knowing me for 20 years, and you're going to go with someone you've only known for 3 months?!" Kangin got up, "I thought you said you were going to support me on this!!!" Eeteuk shouted, "I can't do it then!" he eyed Yesung. "And I think Yesung has somethiing to say to, not just me." Eeteuk sniffled. Yesung sighed, then got up from the couch, even putting down his cheese onto the plate. "To be honest, I liked Ryeowook from the start. I couldn't tell him because of the age difference, but since I have no choice."

Ryeowook's eyes widened, then asked, "Is that true?" Sungmin pouted, then asked, "Why didn't you tell me before?" Yesung answered, "Because I didn't know how you'd react. I knew that you liked him, whether you told me or not. And I didn't want to disappoint you." Sungmin smiled, then said, "Thanks." Yesung nodded, then sat down. "And besides, my true love is cheese." Yesung stated, taking a bite into his piece of cheese. Eeteuk sighed, then said to Kangin, "I can't take it. It's killing me inside that I can't have you. It's really disappointing." Kangin looked down, but looked back up when he saw Heechul walk up to Eeteuk and say, "Look, if you want me to give him up, then I can give him up. But that doesnt' stop me from liking him as much as I do now." Kangin smiled a little, but it disappeared when Eeteuk eyed him. "Good. Because he's MINE." Eeteuk said. Heechul's eyes widened, then stated loudly, "On SECOND thought, he's MINE. I dont' think you're going to treat him right, after he said no to you. You need to know when it's time to let go." Ryeowook and Sungmin nodded. Eeteuk glared at Heechul, then smirked. "Make me." Heechul shouted firmly, "I said for the last time, he's mine, and you know it." Eeteuk exclaimed, "He's mine. And that's final. Kangin, get in the car. NOW." Kangin got up, but Heechul shouted, "Sit down, Kangin." Kangin sat back down, with an innocent look on his face.

For 20 minutes, Heechul and Eeteuk were fighting over Kangin. Heechul thought that he would be better off with Kangin, because he thinks that Eeteuk's going to trap him in the house and keep him from leaving. Eeteuk thinks he should have Kangin because he knew him longer than Heechul, and he thinks that the friendship is strong enough to take it up a notch. As they were shouting at each other, Ryeowook and Sungmin were hugging each other, scared to see both of their hyungs fighting over another hyung. What about Yesung, you ask? Well, he's happy as long as he's in contact with his cheese... Kangin, on the other hand, was trying to stop the fight, but he was scared at what Eeteuk might react. After all, he is the hyung. He didn't care no more. He got up, then shouted, "You guys stop! Don't you think I should choose for myself?" Heechul and Eeteuk looked back, then both shouted, "NO!" then went back to arguing. Kangin pouted, then said, "Okay then." and sat back down.

Finally, Kangin had it. He didn't want to be like a little kid, watching his parents fight over something so small. Kangin got up, then started yelling at Heechul and Eeteuk. As THEY were yelling at each other, Ryeowook asked Sungmin, "What's your favorite color?" Sungmin shrugged, then answered, "Blue. Sapphire blue." Ryeowook smiled then nodded, "Me too!" "Oh my gosh, you too?" "Yeah!" Sungmin sighed, then said, "This is going to be a good friendship."

Yesung got furious after a while, then shouted, "HEY!!!!!!" Everyone stopped talking and yelling, and looked at Yesung. Yesung shrugged and smiled, "You got any more cheese?" @


^o^ Ryeowook and Sungmin~ *sigh*

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you, blue_bluber25 for your comments and your idea on adding Yesung into the story! heart

P.S. I need another idea for another fanfic! please send me recommendations! Thanks!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jul 08, 2008 @ 02:59am
I totally LOVED this story.
And I didn't know Ryeowook and Sungmin could be so naughty. lol. (dirty thoughts) rofl
Well, thanks for making my days not as boring as they normally are during vacation.
And you're welcome for the Yesung part. biggrin
Please keep writing your amazing fanfics.

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