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The Physical State of My Humiliation
He's Mine! Part 5
Yesung finally looked around Ryeowook's room, and saw every square inch covered with Wondergirls. He sat next to Sungmin, speechless. "Ooh, comfy bed." Yesung commented. "Yeah, old news, Yesung." Sungmin said. Ryeowook chuckled, then started spinning around his chair. Yesung slowly started to grow jealousy as he continued to look around the room. Sungmin suddenly asked Ryeowook, "What's your brother like, Ryeowookie?" Ryeowook looked up at Sungmin slowly, then answered quietly, "Lack of respect, uninteresting, and rude." Sungmin laughed, then looked up at Yesung, who's STILL looking around the room. Minnie gave Yesung a nudge and saw Yesung's head fling towards Sungmin, and let out a big, "Huh?" Sungmin laughed more, then said, "Pay attention, Yesungie. Please?" Suddenly, Sungmin did his cuter-than-ever pout and innocent eyes. Yesung quickly said, "Okay okay okay!!! No more pouting! Please!! It's killing me!" Sungmin stopped pouting, and Ryeowook giggled. "Hey, Sungmin, can I ask you a random question?" Sungmin shrugged, then said, "Sure." Ryeowook played with his fingers, then said, "Have you ever dated anyone before?" Sungmin smiled, then answered, "Nope. My brother tells me I'm too young." Yesung suddenly asked, "Do you have any cheeeeeeeeeeeeeze?" Ryeowook and Sungmin both made face, and looked at each other.

Heechul and Kangin were in the living room, eating some dumplings. "Is it good?" Heechul asked. Kangin nodded with his cheeks stuffed with dumplings. Heechul laughed, then suddenly asked, "Have you seen any pretty females lately?" Kangin made a confused face at Heechul, then said, "Why are you asking such a question?" Heechul shrugged, then said, "Just because...." Kangin took a drink from his coke, then sighed. "Not really." Heechul nodded, then replied, "I'd have to agree." Kangin laughed quietly, then said, "You have anything fun to do here?" Heechul shrugged. "I like to tease my brother..." Kangin let out a small, "Well..." and sighed. "It's just, I really like my brother. I've been by his side ever since his birth. That's why I feel so bad that I don't have much time to spend time with him, because of my busy schedule and all.." Heechul nodded. Kangin can tell that Heechul feels a bit guilty that Kangin can't see his brother that he cares for so much. "You know, you should be lucky to have Ryeowook with you. Even though he's annoying... maybe if you show respect, he'll show respect back." Heechul nodded, then commented, "I never thought of it that way." "Nah, I don't think you ever thought at all." "What is that supposed to mean??" Heechul exclaimed. Kangin's eyes widened, then said, "Nothing, nothing." He turned his head quickly. Heechul smirked, then stuffed in another dumpling in his mouth.

Ryeowook, Sungmin, and Yesung were playing a hand game, and Yesung keeps losing. "Haha, you lose again, Yesung!" Sungmin exclaimed. Ryeowook chuckled, as he saw Sungmin flicking Yesung's forehead. "Ow. That hurt. I suppose." Yesung said sarcastically. "Aww, come on, please show SOME respect to this game?" Sungmin begged. "Yeah. I don't think you can handle another of Sungmin's pouts again." Ryeowook stated. Yesung sighed, then sat up quickly. "Fine. One more game. If I lose this one, I'm going to walk away." Afterwards, they played another round. "Hey, how's Kangin like?" Ryeowook asked. "Fun." "Weird." "Nice." "Unusual." "Yesung, why do you keep saying weird adjectives of Kanginnie hyung?" Sungmin suddenly asked. Yesung shrugged. "Maybe he's still bummed that he keeps losing in this game." Ryeowook said, keeping his laughs to himself. Yesung pouted, then said, "You're so mean!" Sungmin rose his eyebrows, then said, "Wow, not bad at the pouting." Yesung shrugged. "I tried." Ryeowook pouted too, then asked, "Yesung hyung, you're not really sad are you?" Yesung shook his head, and received a group hug from Ryeowook and Sungmin. "Haha, we're random, aren't we? First the game, now a hug?" Sungmin stated. "Yeah..." they said together. @

TBC~ heart


This is too cute! Sungmin's pout, in case you don't know what it looks like...

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 19, 2008 @ 07:53am

one love triangle has begun!!! xd

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