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The Physical State of My Humiliation
He's Mine! Part 3
Kangin turned off the computer and walked into the living room. He saw Sungmin laughing with Eeteuk. "Hey, hyung? Sungmin?" Sungmin and Eeteuk looked over towards Kangin at the same time. Sungmin squealed, then ran over and hugged Kangin. "Wow, it seems like you never seen me before! Which is technically impossible because---" "Don't you think about it, Kangin." Eeteuk said, getting up and walking towards Kangin. Sungmin giggled happily, then let his hug go. "So, why did you call us?" Sungmin asked. Kangin answered, "I was wondering, Sungminnah. Do you want to meet a new friend?" Sungmin's eyes widened, speechless. Eeteuk looked down at Sungmin, then said, "Yeah, Sungminnie! I think it should be fun!" "Well... I guess... I think it's better than sitting home all day." Sungmin said slowly. Kangin smiled, then looked at Eeteuk. Eeteuk smiled back, making Kangin fluttery inside...

Heechul walked into Ryeowook's bedroom, then sat down on his bed. Ryeowook looked back from the computer, then said, "You know, you COULD knock." he glared. "Yeah. You COULD be nice and not stubborn, but you aren't, are you?" Heechul glared back. "What do you want?"

"Do you want to meet a new friend?"


"I said, do you want a new friend?"


"Good! He's coming here, so get ready."

"Get ready for wha--"

"Oh look! They're here!"

Ryeowook sighed, then followed Heechul to the door.

"Hi!" Heechul said. Kangin smiled, then looked for Sungmin, but saw him hiding behind him. "Sungmin, don't worry. You'll be fine." Sungmin pouted, then sighed. Heechul smiled big, then commented, "Your brother's so adorable!!" Sungmin blushed, then looked at the figure behind Heechul. Heechul sighed, then said, "Ryeowook, come out from behind my back." Ryeowook took a peek at Kangin's brother, then started staring at him. He saw his perfect blonde hair, his cute fluttery eyes, and a cute smile. "Hi." Sungmin cooed to Ryeowook. Ryeowook saw Sungmin walk towards him. Ryeowook looked up, then whispered shyly, "Hi." "I think they're gonna get along great." Kangin said. "Sorry if my brother's a little shy..." Heechul said to Sungmin. "It's okay. He'll get used to me." Sungmin said, chuckling. Ryeowook smiled shyly at Sungmin, seeing a grin spread across Sungmin's face. Well, at least he's nicer than Heechul... Ryeowook thought.

TBC~ heart

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jun 16, 2008 @ 02:57am
Oh I just love how Ryeowook is so bratty!!! whee

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