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The Physical State of My Humiliation
A Punch of Love! Part 7 (Will be renamed soon!)
Junsu got out of the taxi as he approached Yunho's house. He looked in the doorway and he started to get more and more nervous in his stomach as he approached the house. He tapped the doorknob, and inhaled and exhaled. He did a quick knock, and he waited for an answer. But, instead of someone opening the door, the door fell forward, and he froze. He looked up, and saw Changmin, who was about to open the door. Junsu squinted his eyes, wondering why a little boy's in Yunho's house. "Do I.. know you?" Junsu asked, slowly walking into the house. Changmin smiled, then said, "I don't know. But my brother and I were the ones who were kidnapped from the evil dude, person.." Junsu tilted his head, as Changmin said his last word. ".. Yeah, person, thing. Evil machinery if you ask me." Changmin shrugged, then called Yunho's name. "HYUNG!!!! YOUR FRIEND'S HERE!!!!"

Yunho tilt his head, looked back at JaeJoong's curious face, then got up and walked towards the doorway. His eyes widened, then ran towards Junsu, throwing his arms around him. "Junsu!" JaeJoong got up, then walked to the doorway. He saw a man with red highlights, Yunho hugging him, and smiling. JaeJoong smiled on the corner of his mouth, but was not very pleased. Junsu and Yunho released their hug, then Junsu eyed JaeJoong. Yunho looked back, to see where Junsu was looking, then said, "Oh!" he backed up, then introduced JaeJoong and Changmin. "This is JaeJoong and Changmin." "Heh, nice to meet you." Changmin said. "Charmed." JaeJoong stated. Junsu smiled, then entered the house. "Oh! What happened to the door? And why are you limping?" He asked Yunho. Yunho looked down at his leg, then at the door. "Oh. That. There were these guys that were brought from Yoochun and they attacked us and broke our door." Junsu gasped, then looked back at the door. JaeJoong slightly glared and went back to cleaning the living room. As Junsu and Yunho were entering the living room, JaeJoong didn't dare to look up. Junsu tilted his head, wondering why JaeJoong hasn't spoken. Changmin frowned, then said, "Jae Hyung?" JaeJoong looked up, acting as if Junsu and Yunho were never here. "What?" He answered. "Can you come here for a second?" JaeJoong got up, and went into the room with Changmin as he shut the door.

"What's with you?" Changmin said, as he watched his brother sit down on the bed. "What are you talking about?" JaeJoong glared. "You seem angry." Changmin sat down on the bed across from JaeJoong. JaeJoong sighed, then shook his head. "This is a waste of time. I'm leaving." JaeJoong was ready to get up, but Changmin grabbed his arm. "You tell me what's going on, then I'll let you go. Until then," Changmin locked the door. "you're not leaving." JaeJoong threw a look at Changmin, but he wasn't moved. "Sit down, hyung." JaeJoong sat down, just as Changmin told him to do. "What do you want?" JaeJoong said, in a dark tone. "I want to know your problem. What's up with you and Junsu?" JaeJoong clicked his tongue, then sighed. "There's nothing wrong. Can I please go now? I have mess to clean up." Changmin ran in front of JaeJoong before he got close to the door, and he blocked JaeJoong's way from exiting. "Move, Changmin!" "No! I'm not moving until you tell me what's going on!" JaeJoong blew his bangs from front of his face, then he said, "Alright, I'll confess. But you must PROMISE that you won't tell anyone." Changmin nodded quickly, and startd listening to JaeJoong's reason.

Junsu went on the computer, and he saw a message in his inbox. He opened the message, and saw Yoochun's name and email address. It read:


I really want to get to know you more. I haven't gotten enough time to get to know you and I really want to know you. I've never gotten happy ever since our first meeting. Hopefully, I can see you one last time. Please write back if you get this message. Thanks.


Junsu was confused how he could have found out his email address, because he didn't give him his email. But he smiled, and sighed, as he started to reply to Yoochun's message. But before he replied, he looked towards the door, making sure Yunho won't come barging in while he's typing a message to his enemy. But he heard some distant voices. Although he attempted to keep his curiousity from leading him from eavedropping, he opened a crack in the door to see who was talking and what they were talking about... @

to be continued (?) ^o^

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon May 19, 2008 @ 07:30am
lol, Changmin is so boss. whee

and y r u going to change the title? confused

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