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The Physical State of My Humiliation
My Love... A Stalker Part 9
It has passed 8 months, and Donghae and Kibum has still not seen each other since. And they're both getting more and more stressed for not seeing each other.

Donghae was sitting in the kitchen, twirling his spoon in his coffee mug filled with coffee. He continued to make the coffee spin around, when his manager came in. The manager sat down in front of him, then said, "Look. It's been 8 months. Please, please talk to me." Donghae stopped spinning his spoon, glared at his manager, then went back to mixing the coffee that doesn't need mixing. "Donghae, you must talk now." the manager said, getting up and making him more furious. Donghae got up as well, then said, "I'm not talking to anyone except Kibum, and he's not here now! I'll never see him again, all because of you!" Donghae ran into his room, slammed the door, then locked it.

Kibum was going through the crowded group in front of the big list of students' names, and looked for his name to see if he passed high school. He saw all the other students shouting happily for passing, or students who didn't make it and droped home. He looked for his name, until he finally saw the name, "Kim Kibum" in the "Super" list and he was very proud and happy. When he was walking towards the road leaning to his home, when he suddenly he saw a group of girls talking about Donghae's new album. He got mad, then he ran home, changed, then went back out.

Donghae was stuck in his room, and decided to get up and use the computer, when he accidentally stepped on his journal on the floor, and slipped slightly. He picked up the journal, and saw the page that Kibum read when Donghae was in the restroom, the day before Kibum had to leave. Donghae began to tear up and started to cry. But when he heard someone at the door, he sucked all of his tears in. Something familiar, something rhythmic, something... so.. special. It was Donghae and Kibum's secret knock! No, I must be hearing things... Donghae thought. He heard it again, then he walked towards the door, then put his ear in front of the door, and heard the same knock again. "Kibum?" Donghae asked. "Hyung! Open the door now!" a voice said. Donghae was shocked, and covered his mouth when he heard a familar voice. Kibum? Is that you? @

To be continued! (I know it's short.. deal with it.. LOL ^^)

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Apr 26, 2008 @ 06:09pm

first of all, i hate the manager.
second, I CAN'T WAIT TIL' THE NEXT PART!!! whee

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