Dear Journal,
Right now I just need the whole entire world to stop for two seconds so I can BREATH. This is just way to stressing. Everything is just so strange. First off my friend who cause this whole problem between me and another person toldd me he liked me again yesterday. Never would I have ever thought that a person would tell me that. Who would like me anyway? Come to find out it was just a part of some dumb prank because he thinks it's cool to mess with people. I wish you could have seen the text messages that he sent me and the number of hem that he sent to me. I should have known. As much as I don't want to admit it, I kinda see what that chic felt when she thought I was trying to hurt her. The situation really did seem as a I'm trying to steal your crush situation, but that wan't it at all. I was just trying to be a good person, but as they say, being nice doesn't get you anywhere half the time.
Midnight Magdeline · Wed Apr 09, 2008 @ 11:40pm · 0 Comments |