So yesterday and today the seventh grade battled head to head in March Madness. It's April and we're still stuck in March. Anyway the other seventh grade beat my class two days in a row. I'ts all good though. My class put up a great fight. Anyway, nothing really happened today. I took two tests and hopefully passed my spelling cause I didn't study. Who really does? I meam gosh. I know I passed the science test though. Mrs. Edelman told me I got a one hundred. Yea. Me and this twin namedAlexis in my class were supposed to ask for a re-test on the math test we took the other day. Not that we did bad, but we wanted to do better. Guess you could call me a grade4 grubber, but I want to go somewhere in life and if I have to kiss up, suck up, and grub for every oint on a test then that's what I will have to do. So whatever. You can call me what you like, but you won't be saying anything when I sign your paycheck in a few years. I want to sucseed (sp?). The cost of living is going up and the way to surviving this life is an education which I have and will continue to get. So abck off! lol. People have been sying and doing some really weird things. Not toward me, but just in general. Wonder what they all up too cause no one tells me anything. So...............
Midnight Magdeline · Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 07:30pm · 0 Comments |