Goodmorning Gaiansss.. Midnight Magdeline is back and is pretty much better than ever. Over really what I guess would be the past year and a half, I've had time to reflect over everything that has happened to me and mature and go through some things. With my new outlook on life, I'd like to share my experiences with you and hopefully you'll share some of your along with me. Now, to the good stuff. My boyfriend and I broke up some time ago and really I'm not all that sad about it. I know that I told him that I wanted to be friends with him even if we did break up, but now I wish that he would leave me alone. There is nothing like having someone who's heart you would hate to break bothering you, making you want to break their heart heart just so you could get some peace. Still, I try to be nice. He's always there for me when I need him, so who the hell am I not to be there for him? Though many things about me have changed, there is one thing that hasn't and that is my infinite and never changing love for boys. Their just everywhere and most of them look just too good to really leave alone. Why have just one when they're all there looking good? BOYS! ninja ninja heart heart redface eek cool Over the past year and a half, I have had countless pregnancy scares, so my tip to everyone is really, no matter how annoying you may think people sound when they say wrap it up, please..... wrap it up. There is nothing like thinking your about to have an unwanted baby that you really can't take care of and every dream you had in life, that you had for yourself and that your parents had for you is about to end. There is really no scarier feeling. crying sweatdrop sad exclaim ninja wahmbulance My senior year of high school is about to start on the 7th of Septemeber and goodness! I'm so excited. biggrin Just one more year of crazy high school and then it's off to some good college or university. Wow... like is just really moving so fast... eek
Well, I guess that's really it for now Gaians.. I'll talk to you guys next time around.
Peace, Love, and Everything in Between, Midnight Magdeline
Midnight Magdeline · Sun Aug 12, 2012 @ 04:29pm · 0 Comments |