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The Physical State of My Humiliation
NEWS: The Cold is Not So Cold
You might think that it is very cold wherever you are, if it IS cold wherever you are (Lol). But all around the globe, people have noticed that... The temperatures are not as low as last year or the year before. That is because of the global warming that is happening now. Yes, it's really happening. You may think it's all a myth or a joke, or whatever you guys call it nowadays, but it's happening NOW.

Now, you may not care, but it affects EVERYONE. Including you. Yes, you. The global warming can be affecting your location at this very second. As you are reading this, possibly. The waters around you may be drowning your nearby towns and sinking your loved ones, possibly. Maybe your friend in the Philipines could be drowning at this very minute. Or, maybe your friend in Alaska is having all the land washed away, as he/she is sitting on the shore, watching the land and sand go into the water, raising sea level.

Okay, go ahead, listen to your iPod or what not. But thousands, maybe millions, of people are thinking about the global warming now. However, there are still hundreds of people who still do not believe that this is all happening. Well, I don't blame them, and neither should you. Nobody blames them, but they SHOULD know what's going around in the world

So, conserve energy. Turn down the heat, and just wear more clothes. Cut your showers short. Do ANYTHING to save our planet from jeopardy. However, if you don't help stop this tragedy, then we might as well all drown and finish our lives till then.

Another good thing to do is to watch the local weather news and the regular news to see what's going on around the world. Maybe if you see with your own eyes, then you will understand AND believe that the global warming, is alive and growing. FAST. You could be that one person to stop the global warming, and keep us and the world (yes, you and your loved ones) alive and happy. Also relieved..

P.S. Unless you want to die a hard and painful death, you should spread the word about this.. QUICK!!!

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