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View User's Journal

The woes of the writer: Boredom and writer's block abound!
Well, I write, need I say more?
w00t more poetry... I'm really feeling angsty today
Dreams are pulled down
Down with my heart
The cracking wings of mine
They cannot fly again
I will never soar again

The world I was from is now further
Further from me than ever before
Slowly I slip down deeper in the dark
I don’t feel the same
And nothing’s gonna change

I never thought I’d see the darkness
The darkness I had let inside
Dreams have shattered
My heart is stained black
The shattering noise is ringing in my ears
Is this how the world is meant to feel?

The light is fading out
I reached for it with my strength
But it is gone
Nothing will ever be the same
I can’t see you anymore

I reached up so high for you
Can you hear me?
Hear me calling for redemption
Say I can be seen
I need to know someone is watching over me

I have nothing left within my soul
This body you can see
Is nothing but an empty shell
It is so easy to become numb
And for people to misunderstand

I can’t feel the wind any more
I can’t feel your warm embrace
All I wanted in truth was to be held in your arms
What is this curse, that what I want is for nothing?
I can’t feel you anymore

It has become so hard to breath
So hard to just let them see
How inside I have been poisoned
But will they believe?
Will they believe the darkness I have become?

I’ve lost the way
The darkness is so easy to let in
So hard to get away from
If I were to let in the light
I would go with the darkness
Into oblivion

I know you can’t believe it
I know it’s hard to see
I look alright on the outside
But on the inside I bleed
I bleed from all the cuts you have given me

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