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Silently I stepped forward pressing into the darkness, toward him. His tall form stood erect in the distance, and the moon light bathed him reflecting long dark shadows on the cold floor. He was oblivious to my entry, or so I thought. As I drew nearer I became aware of the unmistakable pain that locked into his features. My heart skipped a beat and leapt into my already tight throat. I reached his side and gently placed my hand upon his shoulder, turning him to face me. His face looked raged and weak, the familiar fire in his soft eyes changed to a dull grey piece of ice. He was hiding behind the giant wall in his mind. Something was deadly wrong. His dull eyes swept over mine lovingly; the look that I lived for now held a new depth, fear. Cold chills ran down my spine as he enclosed me into his strong arms tightly. I felt like a trapped animal, yet I let the chains bring me in. He leaned over, with me still locked in his arms, and whispered
“Goodbye my darling, I love you forever, you are mine forever, but I’m dying for you and only you. If you want to get out alive…run for me, I will wait for you.”
His voice held a sharp edge but the knife was held with a gentle hand. My mind started spinning trying to decipher this unusual puzzle. Tears weld up in my eyes as the fog became a door. I didn’t want to go threw it. Gently but forcefully he pushed me away toward the door that I came in threw. I started to it but chanced a glance over my shoulder. His grey eyes were filled with love, and fear, like chocolate coated in blood. A mixture that trembled threw me like an earthquake.
“Run” his silent plea scared me as I jumped out of the room in a panic. Questions swam threw my mind in a frenzy; ‘What was happening?’ ‘Where do I go?’ ‘What is going to happen to him?’. As my leg raced forward and carried me threw the small corridors of the building I heard a large thud as a body hit the floor. Tears flooded my eyes and blurred my visions. Realization stung me as the air carried my haunted words “Goodbye my darling, I love you forever, you are mine forever, but I’m dying for you and only you. If you want to get out alive…run for me, I will wait for you.” My time had come.

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