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The anger bottles up inside me. I can't escape this hell. I've tried so many times, yet I'm still caged inside of myself. Someone help me threw this nightmare! So what if you can see the dark side of me? Help me believe it's not the real me...please. There is still rage inside, it won't go away, I can't control myself. It's not the real me. It's an animal. I can't tame it, I can't release it. It stays inside of me tearing away at everything it can find slowly ripping me apart. Help me believe that this is not the real me.
I don't know what I did wrong. I stay up all night with blood in my eyes, thinking about the story of my life. I won't deny that I would feel so much better when it is gone forever. I don't need it here. Tell myself that I won't miss it at all. But then I wonder....is this apart or me? I should have known that I could have been so much better. I hope that I've made you see that, that part of me is there forever. That part is clear.
Yet I'll just walk alone thinking of home with memories of long ago. This animal can take me back. I've had enough. I stand on my own. Soon I shall run far away, never to go back to that place. Like you told me I'm just a big mistake. Sometimes I think that I'm lucky that the beast is caged inside of me. That way it can't get back to you. I'll just learn how to live life on my own. Just like how it used to be...without you.

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