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Have you ever felt that little twinge or rush of emotion when you see someone walk by you. That little glance that they might throw to you....you never really know what it is about that but your heart pounds, color rushes into your cheek, your knees go weak...this, my friends, would be an emotion unique to that one person alone. And for them to sit there day after day waiting for something to happen, pleading for something...just a simple word exchange. To watch and hope. But have you ever wondered is there someone doing that to you? Or are you blinded by your false hope? Everyone is loved, wether in good or bad ways. You just have to watch and listen.

But for me I feel that Love is a greed of an emotion. People want power, wealth, and desire but is that really what love is supposed to be? I've always seen love as a sort of protection or sheild when used right. It has been twisted into a manipulative game. For me I wait and forever I shall protect those close to me, never to be blinded by the light again.

I'm a Fallen.

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Fri Nov 23, 2007 @ 09:17pm

that is so true its amazing I sooo get it
how love has turned into these things and that it can blind you
and that no matter if goo or bad you are always loved
this is something the world needs to hear and under stand
and stop being so stupid and asking for love because no matter you are
and you will always be

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