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Name: Kergerin

class: Kergerin class assault cruiser

Consisting of a thick layer of gel-like fluid sandwiched in a neutronite structure, nanofluidic armor is “smart” armor—it concentrates at the point of impact to blunt physical blows and circulates around heat sources to dissipate energy.

Repair system- Nanite repair array. Repair drones.
Systematic damage control- Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to prevent critical system damage.

Particle field- Generators project a field of alpha particles (helium nuclei that have been stripped of their electrons) around the ship. The field absorbs energy damage; weapons that wholly or partly deal concussion, electricity, fire, or nonspecific energy damage

Magnetic field- The magnetic field is the first primitive energy shield. It uses vast amounts of power to surround the ship with potent lines of magnetic force. Missiles and weapons that deal ballistic damage fired at a starship are pushed away.

Core systems:
Zero point reaction core- harnesses the energy of the big bang to provide near limitless energy to the ship.

Inertial flux engine- By precisely controlling the quantum energy level of every atom on the ship simultaneously, the inertial flux engine assumes the inertial states necessary to produce motion in any direction. In effect, by operating the controls, the pilot chooses from instant to instant what vector the ship’s atoms will next possess, and the inertial flux engine alters them simultaneously—along with everything else aboard, including the crew and passengers. An inertial flux engine does not operate within a planetary atmosphere, and most ships fitted with this kind of engine also have secondary thrusters or rely on shuttlecraft.

Electronics and sensors:
Warp scrambler- Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.

Target painter- A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and Hit.

Class IX sensors array- This array includes hi-res video, electromagnetic sensors, spectroanalyzers, multiphase radar, and mass detectors.

Achillies targeting software- Enables the ship to better train its weapons on an enemy’s critical systems.

Sensor jammer- A sensor jammer interferes with radar and enemy sensor scans. It also confounds missile guidance systems. An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting.

Ansible- The ansible is a device that induces precise changes in the energy states of atomic nuclei, without regard to distance or time. In effect, it permits instantaneous interstellar communications—voice, video, or data transfer—to any other ship or station equipped with an ansible. Much like a radio, the receiving station has to be attentive to a particular “frequency,” so two ansible-equipped stations must have some prearranged communications protocols; an ansible cannot pick up any transmissions not intended for that specific frequency.

Weapon systems:

8 fire linked Particle beam cannons- the particle beam projects a stream of protons, neutrons, or alpha particles at the target—each particle accelerated to near light-speed.

twin heavy plasma drivers- Fires a supermass slug, similar to a mass driver, in a sleave of superheated plasma.

Point defense system- Small auto turrets across the ship provide anti missile support as well as AA fire.

Cruise missile turret- A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures.

side mounted missile tubes(20 on each side)- Similar in layout to the old fassioned cannon decks of the 1700's. It is used to deliver devestating broadside missile barrages. Firing starload missile's. The nova burst warhead generates an incredible gravitational force that compresses normal matter into an incredibly dense mass, which then explodes in a colossal detonation.


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