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Justin54's Journal
where i'll post rantings, compliments, or cry's for help
-Name: X
-Age: approximately 30
-Race: bio engineered anthro raptor
-Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Wearing his armor.(normal)
Without armor

-Weapons: **DEEEEEP breath**
On his person, one rifle/OICW. knife. two colt .45's one sniper weapon

Guns he owns---

M9 Bayonet

Colt .45

M12 AMAWS (Advanced Modular Assault Weapon System) he has two, one usually set up in OICw, the other as an SMG.
-OICW configuration-
-SMG configuration-
-Sniper configuration-

RC-P-90 Assault SMG

Spas-12 combat shotgun semi auto or pump action shotgun, loaded with Flachette rounds, basically a roll of razorblade quarters.

XM-107 .50 cal sniper rifle

XM-109 25mm payload rifle.

C10 mk2 Canister Rifle- fires 40mm U-238 AP rounds, can also fire a lockdown missile. 5 round Magazine.

Rail gun- Uses gravity pulses and magnetic strips to accelerate a cluster of tungsten steel darts to hypersonic speeds. The effect is best described as a 12 gauge with a 3 mile effective range.

MK4 LAW- Fires HEAT, High Explosive Anti Tank missiles from a 4 round magazine.

Lightning Gun- Fires a sustained stream of electricity out to a range of 300 feet

Plasma Flamer- Fires a 300 foot stream of raw plasma, A truely horrendus weapon.

he carries a variety of ammuinition, standard loaded ammo for projectile weapons is Incindiary high explosive armor piercing

He also posesses AP UV rounds, for use on vampires, as well as liquid silver AP rounds for use on shifters. Tracking rounds for use on stealth targets.

He can load a variety of tactical warhead shells into either the 109 or the C10. The 109 can deliver up to a tactical micro fusion warhead, its blast area encompasing a good quarter mile. The C10 can deliver a tactical thermoniclear warhead at a range of two miles, its area of effect being a one mile spread centered on the blast point. It can also deliver strike coordinants via LTD to a satelite array. Launching a single ICBM to the target.
-Equipment: Advanced dragon skin tactical body armor,
Tactical HUD, with intigrated biosensor, advanced targeting unit. nightvision display. thermal imaging and EM sensor. The armor suit is entirely self contained. Optical camoflauge unit. The armor can be stored Via flatspace device on his belt. allowing him to equip it at a moments notice.
-Fighting Style: military close quarters expert, top ranked combat sniper, demolitions expert
-Abilities Powers: no powers or abilities, although he has various tech upgrades

internal wetware (bio-organic components, removing the danger of electrical overload)

-Kata Calculater, offensive/defensive- calculates combat tactics to best fit the situation
-neural micro computer- a hightly minatureized super computer
-wireless neural network link- allows the neural micro computer to link with the web through satelite and wireless signals
-ocular HUD- displays tactical data directly onto the retina, also gives detailed scans of the area using bio sensors and EM sensors
-personal flight system- plasma boosters in the back and lower legs, allows for sustained flight for up to 2 hours before solar recharge is needed, can be used in daylight to double the time he flys at 50 mph.
-afterburner- He can double his flight speed at the cost of halving the 'fuel' in his flight system, using this his flight speed is 100 mph.
-artificial muscle fibers- enhances his physical strength.
-artificial twitch fibers- enhances his natural speed.
-skeletal enhancement- allows him to get hit by a pickup truck at full speed and walk away.
-neural synapse enhancer- increases his reaction time to fractions of a second.
-anti shock implant- protects his implants from damage from electrical shock.
-reflex wires- replacements in his nerve lines allow for faster reaction times.
-subcutaneus body armor- Crystal carbon quarter inch plates layered over the muscle tissue under the skin on the major parts of his body.

Alpha team- Alpha team consists of a squad of others like himself. 11 others, Each one specially trained in their own fields. Seperated into 4 fire teams. Below is a list of Alpha team members. Standard equipment is very similar to X's. Unless otherwise noted, Standard weapons are the M12-AMAWS-C-OICW. Desert Eagle .50 AE. M9 Bayonet.

A1- X
A2-Soldier, Standard
A3-Soldier, Standard

A4-Sniper, Standard+XM107 .50 cal
A5-Soldier, Standard
A6-Soldier, Standard

A7-Support, Standard+Lightning gun
A8-Support, Standard+Lightning gun
A9-Support, Standard+Plasma flamer

A10-Heavy weapons, Standard+MK4 LAW
A11-Heavy weapons, Standard+80mm grenade launcher
A12-Heavy weapons, Standard+C10 canister rifle

Mecha suits- each unit in alpha team, made up of 12 units, looks like a full blown werewolf in hybrid, standing about 18 feet tall, they posess highly advances sensor and cloaking systems, as well as energy shields and anti ballistics screens. 8 of the units is set up with a antimatter missile launcher, the other 4 carry heavy particle cannons. each mech is quipped with vibroblade powered armor claws on each 'hand' making for vicious melee attacks

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