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Justin54's Journal
where i'll post rantings, compliments, or cry's for help
Name :: Isahil Talindrah
Age :: 22
Height :: 5'9"
Weight :: 180lbs
Race :: human
Appearance :: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
History/Personality :: trained from the moment he could hold a Bokken or Shinai. He had mastered Aikido by the age of 12. was sent to the Crane clan master swordsman at the age of 15, training extensively in the art of Iaijutsu. Mastering the initiate techniques by the age of 19, at the age of 21 he left the master with the words "I can teach you no more, Go, and may your blade bring peace to the empire." Raised in the Rokugan empire, serving under the Crane clan. He trained extensively in the art of the blade. Following the Bushido code. One day, the emporer sent him on a mission. To go and destroy a powerful demon. Durring the fight. The demon opened a tear in time, throing him into the future. ((Yea, totally samurai jack, i know....))
Weapons :: Katana Tora Shikon, Wakazashi Tora Tsume, and Bokken Ikaru Bou
Weapon Information :: Katana- empowered by the spirits of his ancestors to bear the power of lightning. The edge of a dragons claw, and the power to cut even a mans spirit.
Wakazashi- Empowered to strike with the strength of a man twice normal size, to guard its wielder from attack, and when activated, strike at only a mans flesh and bone, ignoring anything without a pulse.
Bokken- Enchanted with the strength of giants, aswell as the power of thundar. It strikes like a sledgehammer in the hands of an inexprianced warrior, When it strikes, it looses a deafening thunderclap of sound.
Armor :: Armor? wassat? He has silk robes.
Armor Information :: umm, silk robes?
Spells :: magic? pfft, dishonor.
Spell Information ::
Special Abilities :: ((More of blade techniques really))
-One strike, two cuts
-Lightning blade
-Strike from the void
-Two swords as one
-Iaijutsu focus
-Strike with no thought
-Spirits strike
-Echoes of the edge

Ability Information ::
-One strike, two cuts-- Through extensive training in blade fighting. He can strike twice within the time a normal fighter would strike once.
-Lightning blade-- By channeling His Ki, He can draw the blade at near blinding speed
-Strike from the void-- When channeling his Ki for a strike, He draws not only from his own reserve, but from that of everything around him. Causing his drawstrike to be potentially a one shot even against an armored opponent.
-Two swords as one-- Trained extensively in wielding two blades. He can fight with either hand proficiently, and when wielding both his katana and wakazashi, he has no trouble at all performing complex or difficult combat forms.
-Iaijutsu focus-- The skill, trained from the day he could hold a blade. Allowing him to focus massive amounts of Ki into his blade while performing the draw strike. This is the root of the reason why the Iaijutsu masters are known to end a duel with one strike.
-Strike with no thought-- Trained to the principles of Iaijutsu, Used normally only in Iaijutsu duels. This teaches the swordsman to be prepared at all times to strike. Often, striking down an enemy before he fully recognizes the enemy as a threat.
-Spirits strike-- By focusing his Ki and calling upon his inner reserves, he can perform a spirits strike. Drawing the blade, striking, and sheathing it faster than the human eye can see. An opponent often falling before even realizing they have been struck.
-Echoes of the edge-- By focusing the expended Ki, trailing from the blades last strike. He can perform a potent attack. With a shout, the remaining ki presses forward as a thin blade. Pusing into the wound that was just made, causing it to become deeper and longer than before. This is the basis for the rumors of an Iaijutsu master being able to draw a man in two with seemingly a single stroke of their blade.

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