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Justin54's Journal
where i'll post rantings, compliments, or cry's for help
life sucks
i find it funny, that in less than a week, one can go through hell and come out the other side... this last thursday, my fiance told me that he no longer loved me as a mate.... i spent most of the time between then and now in a daze, every now and then it would hit me, and i would begin to shake and cry, barely able to stop......i dont know if i'm through it yet.... but i'm starting to feel better.... i know that life goes on, more fish in teh sea, all that crap..... but i'll never be able to forget him.....and not just because of thinking about him... but because every time i see a couple... every time i hear a love song.... i feel the loss..... the lonelyness..... i cant help but love him.... even after nearly a year together, and the loss....i cant stop.... iw ish i could.... but i cant.....

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Oct 01, 2007 @ 06:27am
I find it funny where in so many places in the world, pain is only conserned with the physical. Shootings, wars, beatings and the like... but I find emotional pain in so much more need for alarm... it hurts so much worse...

*hugs tightly* hang in there Roze~ Hang in there~

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