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The Physical State of My Humiliation
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i dont have a topic to talk about but i have something that i want to talk about in general. ok at school today, i first went to math right? when i went to my math class, the teacher closed the door and stuff... and then a teacher wanted to get inside our classroom for a while. and then when our math teacher went to open the door, the door was locked on the inside! and all the students (not me) panicked and stuff because they thought that they would be stuck in there forever and stuff and not eat and stuff.. i didnt panick because i knew more bad things can happen if i panic... so i just sat there and waited until the last minute until the door just automatically opened for some reason. and then ZOOM!! all the students just ran out the door!!

ok you guys know about my conscience's secret that she likes someone in my school?? well she does, and she overreacted when something happened... ok heres what happened. ok i was doing a project and i used so much work that i made a big bruise on my finger because i pressed too hard on the scissors, right? and then the guy that my conscience likes looked at me being pain, and asked, "stephanie, are you ok?" and then my conscience was all overreacting and i was all like, "yea im fine. dont worry about it"... weird right? its like me and my conscience are 2 different people!! except that my conscience is an imaginary mind controller... lol sry Blank..

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