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The Physical State of My Humiliation
facts about music video happiness (슈퍼주니어- 행복) update!
*they filmed it in seoul XXXXXXXX (not naming specifically because fans would go there and be all like, "omg!! super junior stepped on this floor!! ahhh!!! *passes out*" and stuff...)
*the glasses that yesung wore are actually eeteuk's
*for the free hugs scene, they took it on a seoul street. and for the fans, they filmed fans in the m/v to show suju's care.
*kangin wasnt able to stay for the free hugs for long because he had a radio show to hold.
*when the fans met suju on the street, they were all dizzy and all so suju was standing there for 30 minutes without a fan to hug them... (lol this one caught me).
*when eeteuk couldnt stand not having anyone coming, he said stuff like, "come here! (일루와)" and "open 24 hours a day!" and stuff... lol

do you have more facts about suju music video haengbok?? post a comment for this journal entry!!

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