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The Physical State of My Humiliation
bunny's on a quest~~
ok well right now im on a quest to get a momo the monkey because someone has stolen mine (AccountBanningMod to be more specific). so im going to get another one (dont worry i changed my password... goodness) so that i can live happily along my life as a human bunny... lol rofl well anyway *scratches head* sry im a little itchy today... well anyway right now im like really bored but a little, "im trying to get a momo here!!" feeling too... well anyway right now im really bored and its like sooooooo hot here.... well anyway right now im like listening to my mom when she said to take care of my brother, but hes not cooperating. when i told him to stop going outside, he doesnt listen to me... thats why i miss being the only child so that i dont have to deal with a little brother like him and that i dont have to grind my teeth of stress no more.... and everyday i can just relax and stuff.... but since my parents love each other so much, sean's like... their engagement ring. and i dont want to take that away from them... it'll will hurt their hearts badly.. and with sean here, yes it will hurt MY heart, but i dont want to do that to my parents. its just too mean.... and it doesnt seem right. letting sean go away to someone else's family is like, giving away my parents' engagement rings without their permission... *sigh* well anyways please help me get a momo the monkey and please donate~~ thank you heart

p.s. and if i die of depression and stress, that would be a whole lot better than taking away my parents' little boy, my brother. and since im grown up, it wont hurt them much if i go away for once in a while. they say that they'll miss me but (to my opinion) they're just saying that so that i dont feel like they dont love me no more. because if they ACTUALLY meant it, then they'll spend equal time with me and sean. but they spend a little more time with sean. but hes just young, but still.... spoiling a 5 year old??? thats a little... odd to watch... yup... i just got a call from my mom because i texted her to call me. its just because that my brother is not listening to his elderly. rude right?? yup REALLY rude. he should at least listen to his elderly at least once. so im guessing that you're thinking, "so that means that he NEVER listened to his elderly in his life??!!". he only listens to spoiling elderly. for example, he likes my grandmother because she spoils him and lets him do whatever he wants and gives him whatever he wants. yup. if you guys have info about taking care of siblings like mine, please please PLEASE comment on this journal entry.. PLEASE!!

oh and dont forget to donate!!! heart

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