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The Physical State of My Humiliation
quest succeed! but....
i have successfully earned the orly hat. i would like to thank the donaters (check out donaters list) for so much of their help!! thank you guys!!!

my other half is so happy that she has the orly hat and that she looks quite like an angel. im a cute little bunny and shes an angel and my friend's an elf. lol well thank you guys so much and one more thing:

quest... COMPLETE!!!

however there is another thing that adds to the fact that i have paid 9k of gold to get the orly hat.

1. firstly i am quite poor..
2. she doesnt want it no more and she doesnt have a trading pass..

but im mostly worried about the fact that i am poor.. its because i am the shopping type. if i find something that is perfect for my avatar, then i would get it. so i need a lot of gold... but i only have a little.. like in my hundreds.. so i was wondering for the generous ones that loves to gives others stuff, if they can help me reach back to the road of gold... hehehe im not good at describing sweatdrop well anyways please HELP ME~~~ and help jenny get a trading pass!! but thats just going to wait because... like i said, SHE DOESNT HAVE A TRADING PASS!!! sad.... here then if people donate to me gold, then ill give some gold to jenny and she can earn a trading pass, she can give me the orly hat and then i can sell it back and earn my money back cuz she doesnt want it!!! lol nice idea... lol

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