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The Physical State of My Humiliation
even with me posting notices saying not to post chain letters on my profile, im STILL getting them! ok well i have posted a little banner that says, "this is an anti-chain profile!!". if you wanna see it, here it is:

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yup i made it in this some site. really pretty yea and it stands out so that others can view it easier... i hope... i really dislike chain letters. but theres people in the world that just never stops to avoid to listen. does that make sense? to me i think that was just plain confusing. viewers of this journal entry, please please PLLEEEEEASSE dont post chains on this profile. its worth it wasting your breath copying and pasting in my profile cuz its going to get deleted and unread anyway. do you ACTUALLY believe in those chains? someone has made them and then they fooled you. yes they fooled me a LOT of times. dont let them fool you. so if you get a chain letter, dont believe it. cuz someone just made it so that people would just waste their breath. and the stories they said about someone else sending it or not, they're fake. you know there can be good lyers in the world... dont get fooled by them. however, if its about someone thats on the news to spread the word, such as madelaine mccain going missing, then thats a different story. theres a difference between spreading the word, and spreading the chain. and think about it. do you think a message can ACTUALLY change your life? heh rolleyes sooooooo not true. forget them. when you get them, delete. then you dont have to worry about spending your time getting nervous and going speedy quick to send some message that means nothing... think please... and no more chains in my profile.. thank you

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