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The Physical State of My Humiliation
this is an entry where (since im bored) i am making an interview of me. ok here it is:

what is your favorite sport?
my favorite sport is i have to say roller blading (even if its not an exact sport) because its fun and i think for me is one of the easiest things that i have ever rode cuz i have been using it for about 2 years now.. hahaha maybe 3.

do you think of yourself as the romantic type?
i think myself no. i dont know much about dating because i have no experience. thats why when people ask to go out with me or go steady with me, i always say no because i keep thinking im not ready and that i may not do right or something..

do you wish that you can take a break from any family member? if so, who?
wow heh this is going to be hard.. i think i would like to take a break from my grandpa for a while because i wish to eat comfortably, i want to sleep happily, and i want to smell nothing.... not gas... hahahaha

if you can have one wish what would it be?
i wish to be a great singer. im good at singing, but im not good at singing like in front of the microphone (unless its the ones that u clip onto your shirt). i think the reason for that is that i use too much energy to hold the mic than to sing so i dont have enough energy to sing.

what do you think, to your opinion, is the reason why you type fast?
i think to my opinion the reason is that practice and interest. i have always wanted to learn the arts and facts of the computer/laptop and right now im quite good at it... i think the reason is just practice and the earge to succeed.

name one thing that you have to deal with everyday.
what i usually deal with and think about each and everyday is korean guys (lol) because they're practically everywhere where i am right now! the reason i think about them is because they're usually cute, adorable, and hot! so hard to resist

what do you like best about your friends?
no matter what happens, like a fight or something, then they would always be there for me. even if i feel bad and they think that they're proud of themselves for making me sad, but wat i always await for is an apology and a new beginning again

what would you like to do now?
i like to check my pms and i want to watch super junior-t again. i missed the last episode of Idol World of super junior-t all cuz to go to the karaoke (hey its worth it right?).

yea well ill try to make another one tomorrow.. capiche? bie bie

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