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The Physical State of My Humiliation
hello... right now is the afternoon where i am and right now i am watching this tv show there DBSK comes out. havent heard of them? a korean (and now japanese) asian band that did a japan tour a couple months ago... theyre a really kewl idol. theres a lot more idols such as:

*super junior (T and K.R.Y)

and some more but im too lazy to think about them right now... heh my brother has been gettin on my nerves since mom first left the house to go to the gym to do exercize (not telling where). so that he doesnt get caught and get in trouble. hes always the secret type and hes like... he has an other side of him that happens behind closed doors (i feel bad for mom) i wish that i had a camcorder and record all of this and then show it to mom telling (and showing) her the real sean that she hasnt seen in 4 years... well i think 5 years cuz hes been doing this for quite a while. ok heres some of my favorite members in super junior (i know random but i just wanna get myself occupied from my brother (i dont want to take him outside to the playground thats practically 16 steps away from where we are right now... heh:

*shindong (hes funny)
*heechul (he was known as #1 funny guy on krn charts)

now heres ma fave members in order in DBSK (if your fave member is on the bottom, me sorry cuz its just me ok?):

*Xiah (the husky voice and cute~)
*Micky (has that... 꽃미남 look)
*Hero (charisma!)
*Uknow (he has dat special voice that lets him stand out; and leader)
*Max (cutesy guy~)

well i like max but hes just... too... how should i say it? umm.. girlish.. heh and cutish.. i mean i luv him yes but not as much as the other members... actually hero and uknow should be switched... heh heres my fave members from H.O.T. in order:

*Tony (toot toot toot toot melody 0459 23619)
*Jang Woo Hyuk (one way.. love of my life!)
*Kangta (scandal eh its ok)
*that other scary guy... (i think his name was moon hee joon)
*and probably someone else but i dunno all the membas.. ok? (is there an extra member?

and i would love to do F.T. Island for ye cuz i luv dem!

*이홍기 (lead singer, leader, finder of F.T. Island or at least the 1st person; and hes cute! and the same blood type as me!)
*최종훈 (guitarist in band.. so cute wen he plays for 사랑앓이)
*오원빈 (guitarist and back singer of 사랑앓이... you know.. de guy dat sings da part "그대... 나를... etc etc)
*이재진 (plays bass for the band... heh)
*최민환 (hes cute but he eats too much chicken.. heh and i dont eat that much poultry.. only on special occasions..)

one of my favorite songs of F.T. Island is:

Reo Reo (레오 레오)- becuz it goes so cute!
레오 레오 알래미오..

my favorite song in super junior is:

U- cuz its so hot!
cuz i cant stop thinking bout you girl~~

my favorite song of DBSK is:

Rising Sun- cuz so hottie especially xiah~ sigh
waiting for rising sun~~


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