First Journal Entry! Yay! |
Well, lets see, where should I start, I'm me, I'm damn sexy, and you all wish you had me...
now that that's over with
I'm 17, as of Sep 5th, and I'm Bisexual...but not really, just techniacly..if I could willfully control my 'member' I'd be tottaly gay, I just can't help it if a nice rack floats my boat....and much like the bismarck, it's damn hard to sink...
but anywho
I love Yaoi, Anime(obviously), and Roleplaying. I love Ps2, and the GBA Sp's, I think they are a great peice of tech from Nintendo...
I love old school Snes Games, and I play online games like Counter Strike 1.6, and Starcraft Broodwar. I am in Gr. 12, and I live in Alberta, Canada, and I ussualy drink when I'm thirsty, or need to relax a bit. (I never get piss drunk or throw up from alchohol like all those beer drinking boozers, I only drink ettiquetly, Wine, vodka, gin, etc, and ussualy in mixes with pop so I can drink it cassually)
I do smoke Marijuana, but I am a very light smoker, I can make $20 stretch across 2 weeks, which most Stoners waste in 20 minutes, smoetimes, even less.
I am planning on going into university in Toronto, and Majoring in Computer Science, and also minoring in Modern English Literature. I have a huge imagination, and I love to find pictures for people on the net.. (Ever had a fan pairing you wish you could see? pm me and I'll do my best to find it for you!)
I love getting avatar work done and Commissions, I have a few on my website.
Well that's all for now, Have a nice time reading other Journals! ^^
HunterX57 · Sun Sep 26, 2004 @ 04:36am · 0 Comments |