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sassy_starry's Journal
a brief summary on my teachers
English:Ms.B- Nice teacher, very enthusiastic about poetry, in general a good teacher.
Maths:Mr .O- Funny teacher, sarcastic, jokes, easier to learn maths from him.
Science: Mr .L physics- Not bad but not good. Funny when he tells us to shut up and everyone laughs, but didnt like it when he made the whole class move in different groups. Ms.V genetics-A good teacher for genetics, actually felt like i learnt something although it was confusing at the start.
History:Mr.G- hmm.. cant say his a good teacher.. likes to drone on a bit, and hardly writes notes which can be hard when it comes to revising, as we only see moviesand vids, most of the time unable to decipher what the ppl are talking about. wish he wouldnt talk about something unrelated to the subject.
Studio Art: Mrs N: Not bad teacher, but she can be rather intimidating sometimes...i really dont like it when she does the random spotlight and asks you a question when you didn't offer your hand up..
Vis Com Ms C: People don't really like her teaching methods..me too.. shes not a bad teacher but she could try to do..i dont know... talk louder? meh.
Chinese Mrs D: lol..chinese listening exam..funny... she expects me to do well.. me too but still, i always manage to do something wrong.. kind of hard to pay attention in her class with my friends talking through the class..
BBQ(religion) Ms W: hate her. cant help it. she does seem to get on most ppls bad side. has a way of annoying everyone, too serious, was once an oeg leader or something...egh..
PE Mr C: also my tutor. cant say much. i really dont like it when he makes us run laps while other classes are playing dodge ball or something...

i did this out of boredom... add something if you like...heheh>.<

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  • User Comments: [3]
    Community Member

    Fri Jun 15, 2007 @ 08:58am

    mei, we dont play dodge ball, we 'exercise'.
    your lucky- you got the other round of sci teachers...

    Community Member

    Sat Jun 16, 2007 @ 03:26am

    Um...Ms Bishop isn't just a good teacher, she's the best teacher. One time in lit, she asked us if we wanted homework. We were like "no..." and she said, "We'll just do it next lesson then."

    Community Member

    Sun Jun 17, 2007 @ 07:47am

    Our science round isn't that bad! We got Mrs W. She's really really good. I like her. I know you're going to make some comment about Chemistry....well, how much of that was new anyway? You could learn by rote from the booklet and still do fine.

    I agree, Ms B is the best.

    Hehehe...Ms C...She's...nice. Be better if she knew what she was talking about. She really likes me. And Studio Art theory with her was good too, the exam was so easy, it was basically describe the picture.

    Chinese Listening Exam = cool!!

    User Comments: [3]
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