oh joy. you can just see the how enthusiastic i am about exams. whoot. friday's my history exam, on vietnam war and a bit on east timor. i really need to get my dates straight and some facts. SEATO, NATO,ANZUS all that stuff bugs me. well good luck everyone on exams...
NATO has nothing to do with Australia coz its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, so Australias not part of it. you dont need to know about it.
SEATO- australia is part of it, but was not a reason why australia went to vietnam as the treaty only exptends :if the country is attacked or threatened internally. veitnam isnt part of it either.
ANZUS was one of the reaosns why we went to war
sassy_starry Community Member
Fri Jun 08, 2007 @ 06:39am
yeah i know. but i hated it when the teacher kept bringing them up, it got me a bit confused. but its over, i can forget it all now blaugh
isidar_mithram Community Member
Tue Jun 12, 2007 @ 10:40am
I was just about to ask what the heck NATO was..I thought Vietnam WAS a part of SEATO?? anyway, I um..made up some random stuff for that question. We didn;t learn anything about SEATO and ANZUS other than what they stood for and that they were alliances.