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View User's Journal

The Physical State of My Humiliation
No Title Entry
my first no title entry~ wat is it you ask? its a diary entry where you just say randum stuff and.. yah... heres an example:

hey do you know what movie was playin last week?
imma chomp chomp chomp dat grass of your hair! domokun

hehehes its not funny 4 u but its funny 4 me.. or at least to type it. but this time its going to be a lil different. im going to be asked a question and ill answer it with my own question. if you dont understand, then this would be quite tricky for you.

Q: what is your favorite color?
A: why do you like RED?

Q: what is your favorite animal?
A: did you see that new DOG movie?

Q: what is your hobby?
A: do you want to go ROLLER BLADING this weekend?

Q: what do you like to do at home?
A: hey did you practice your TYPING homework?

Q: do you sometimes talk to yourself?
A: so is the answer YES?

if its confusing now, then plz leave.. lols jk jk theres more comin 2 ya!

Q: if you had one wish, wat would it be?
A: hey dont you wanna MEET LEE JUNKI?

Q: if you had the right to change anything about your family, what would it be?
A: is it true that your BROTHER IS SO SWEET AND HARMLESS?

Q: what is your favorite website?
A: hey did you hear about GAIA ONLINE?

Q: anything you wanna say before you go?
A: did you hear? your friend said BYE!

now if you did not understand that then just post me a comment and say the name of this entry so that i could help you understand.. although it is quite hard to explain.... lol bye bye!!

Strive on with diligence...

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