crying like the title suggests...i have poison ivy..and it is should i say it..MISERABLE!!!!! if i move even one inch i get all itchy all over...(tries to remain motionless as she types) not very fun for me....but yeah we had a friend over and they (my brother and him) tried to do that classic prank with shaving cream on me (i was trying to take a nap) ..but HA!!! it didnt work!! they were laughing too hard and loud for me not to wake up and notice! so i threatened to give them poison ivy too if they didnt leave me alone.(which i am proud to say worked quite well ^^) but yeah the picnic thing that we (my family and I ) were supposed to go to turned out to be happening next week (laughing) so yeah it was pretty embarrassing when we showed up and there was nobody there...well in case you are wondering..i feel so darn good because i am doped up on benedrile..(i know i didnt spell that right) lol well i think i am gonna get out of here for good my peeps and have a good ya! bye! heart
so pretty!!! xd heart
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Mon Sep 25, 2006 @ 05:59am · 0 Comments |