well finally i am back in the game...(LOL) anyway, mom has had the computer so i havent been able to get on..and she has another 24 tomorrow...(sigh) well i guess that means i wont be on tomorrow...well other than that i havent dont anything new or exciting... going to the movies on saturday..yay!! and all that ...but that is it..i have to wait all week..(sigh) oh well, at least it is something...well no news on gackt...but that is ok..that means no major changes for the worst yet..(whew) just checking on gaia, myspace and the few other forum stuff i belong to...oh and charging my ipod...darn thing needs to charge on the computer...but that is what i get i guess..(lol) well i think ill get out of here for now..and do some other random stuff right now...like watch the gift giving for diabolos concert..(love it) and something like that....well bye bye people..love ya forever!!! heart
yay!!! more j-rocker studdliness...^^ heart heart heart
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Wed Sep 20, 2006 @ 08:28am · 0 Comments |