well another day of nothingness...lol but hey its all good..it was actually a pretty good day of nothing..the weather was fantastic today and just right for going outside and just sitting to think...and then i went and spent some time with my horses...and all that..so it was pretty peaceful and man is that rare at my house..lol i chatted with a few friends on the phone and did my few chores and relaxed the entire day..it was sorta nice (despite the bored part) lol...but yeah im trying to make plans for monday to go to the mall and hang out with some friends ...maybe go to metagames.... nah..maybe not..nothing happens on mondays..hmm..i wonder if robert can go..he is like my asian brother...we're joined at the hip! (laughing) but its funny ..we treat each other like we are married...its pretty entertaining from what i hear..^^ but other than that not a whole lot...well i think im gonna get out of here for now..ill talk to you peeps later..bye bye! (waves) heart
gotta love him...(sigh) heart
GACKT GODDESS REDEEMED · Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 06:35am · 0 Comments |