i have to say but today must be unlucky for me or something. during the house meeting one of my friends*cough isi*was annoying me, she was looking through my bag and just happened to spot my sketchbook. i snatched it out of her hands b4 she could look>.< she bugged me the whole time saying please and poking and yanking on my hair and everything. eventually i showed it to her. stare anyway.. when we were at the house event, and it was time for me to take part in the stupid shuttle relay... the ppl who were taking part in the shuttle relay were all pumped and everything, made me do stretches and stuff. so the race starts, its nearly myturn, ive got hold of the baton and.. i trip. im like...damn it. i stuffed up, but i still got up and tried to hand the baton to the next person. seriously it was embarrassing. i got a big graze on my hip, a graze on my right wrist.. so if i put a bandaid on it, it looks like ive been slitting my self.. so im not putting a band aid on that.. and a got this big scrape on my left hand, about the size of a twenty cent coin i think, skin peeled off. so i went to first aid and all, it was really embarrassing cauz a teacher came up to me and said u did great and all blah blah blah.. i appreciate the thought and all but it just makes the whole situation more embarassing. and then my friends..honestly they just had to come and tell me wat they saw.. and then there was clapping. the funny thing is though, i said i didnt want to participate in the event seeing as it was just one event, no point. honestly i should have just gone with the stupid gut feeling. sweatdrop
sassy_starry · Thu Apr 26, 2007 @ 10:33am · 0 Comments |