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Mekura's Cereal Box! Opinionated writings about my really boring life. Just take a look and cry at the pathetic journal enteries I spend five hours on. Otherwise, YOU SIMMER!

Gnarly The Dolphin
Community Member
Last night report and when do cows really go mad?
Janet: We will like to say--
George: I donated my kidney!
Janet: stare Wow...George that is...really...heroic. eek
George: I know thats what the guy said beside me...And now he fell over the floor...and I poked him with a stick. n.n
Janet: sweatdrop ....Why aren't I surprise?
George: Oh my god are you planning a surpirse birthday for me? n.n
Janet: No..anyhoo we would like to say that we didn't updated from yesterday. As we promise we will give you the second half of the report. ^.^
George: And in prize you get free cupons!
Janet: No one decided on that!
Janet: George all it is a blank pieces of slips saying, "My kitty is still on my hand."
George: It is though! ^.^ And more fruit juice! Maybe it was a fortunae cookie and I already ate it. ME MONSTER ME MONSTER!! gonk *start beating self up*
Janet: Well that saved me some time stare
Janet: Today we are interviewing the easter bunny. O.O
George: What happen to all your fur? O.O
Easter Bunny: Fur is waste of time. Fur is what I hate the most.
George: n.n I can relate
Easter bunny: O.O
Janet: Anyways I just want to ask. How do you hide all those eggs?
George: Oh I know really the modetors do it and then the built a machine with a giant corrot and then the modetors did a cheat where you waited five minutes before you go to a different thread. n.n
Easter Bunny: How did you know?
George: Oh I was just reading off a fortunate cookie..n.n
Janet: ...Where do you get those giant carrots?
Easter Bunny: Home Depo. n.n
George: Is it for my surprise birthday party?
Janet: We tried to interview Gambino but our producer told us it would be safe to remain here.
George: I went there. ^.^
Gambino: *laughing histracally at top of mansion with eyes bulding out*
George: Oh my god Gambino you are my biggest fan! OH MY GOD THERE IS A LADY BUG ON YOU! *pushes Gambino*
Gambino: *falling large scream...large thud*
George: Do not worry lady bug I shall name you Jimmy...*lady bug explodes* Thats what happen to my underwear. O.O Maybe there is a witch near by....
Janet: Are you wearing underwear right now George? eek
George: .......Yay more fruit juice!
Janet: *wields out giant carrot stick* Thanks for watching tonight and please think about your loves first and fighting is wrong.
George: Or don't put pixi sticks up your nose or spiders will live inside your stomach. n.n

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