You know how you hate it when you repeat the same thing over and over again. Than your friends are stabbing you cause they are so PISSED at you because you keep on saying it.
Ya...I know that feeling.
In the various stages through my life I have experience many phrases that make people stare and laugh slowly. I often do this by stealing things off the net and not mentioning the copy right use or just making it up (THATS RIGHT I HAVE PRO SKILL). Though, my dear ladies and gentlemen, it wouldn't be fun saying:
So anyhoo, my point being is that my new catch phrase is...
Yes! Dude.
Now when I say that I slowly cringe inside my innerds as I yell at my brain cells. I really hate that word but after seeing "6Teen" or whatever the hell their misspelling show was, I couldn't stop saying it. That Jude guy really pisses me off cause he is like a soup can. But not one of those cool soup cans where you jump off ten feet and grap a can of ravioli. It is the kind where you are all gray and than you start glowing face color cause you ate your vegatbles one.
As the rest of the gang is sterotypical too. Though it made me laugh when they used the word 'Emo' in one of their episodes. The thought of a forty-year old man trying to be young once again by using internet slangs. I mean, it is kinda sad if your trying to use that slang out of computer use. I know there will be a point in my life where I am gonna say, "lol" And than laugh nerdly to myself.
Even though I did that many times before.
Thats also a other thing that has been bugging my mind lately. It is just that chatspeak that some people, or majority, use in daily language on the computer. Of course if you know me I just hate how people tend not to spell at their best. Though I just realize. Those n00bs could be a smart a** where they laugh at algebra because it is the fraction that equals to their birthday. Or..They are just smart asses.
It kinda bothers me how everyone mistreat those n00bs as stupid idotic people. Even though they use the commonly n00b language it doesn't mean they are idotic. Though I am not a defender of all of them...Just the ones who are cool and say, "NICE COLTHING MEKURA!"
Even though I am just wearing a bunny mask.
You know what else is funny? How I just connected three topics into ONE journal entery.
Leave a comment. =DDDD
![]() Gnarly The Dolphin Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
Quite a nice journal entry, am i rite?
I barely hear you say "Dude" at school, but since it's a new catch phrase, I guess you still have to say it more, am i rite?
And I have no idea what the spelling thing was all about, but I think it's a spelling bee, am i rite?
I may have missed something, but oh well. ._.;;
Yeah, I guess not all noobs are idiots, they just choose to not spell very well over the intarweb, am i rite?
This is getting annoying now, am i rite?
Of course I'm rite. n_n
This is Amoo, Signing off. n___n;;;