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Mekura's Cereal Box! Opinionated writings about my really boring life. Just take a look and cry at the pathetic journal enteries I spend five hours on. Otherwise, YOU SIMMER!

Gnarly The Dolphin
Community Member
So everyone gets mad in a while where you feel kinda pissed and your like, "=________=" but it isn't your period you just actually feel mad! Well I have one of those days in a month or so where I just have a spazz attack but manage to bottle it up inside. I don't like telling people when I am mad cause I might let out my anger at them. ;__; Mekura gets angry sometimes too. So that is why I am making a list so I feel MUCH better n___n:


1) Being ignored: I HATE IT! Don't leave me to be. ;___; . . .By myself.
2) Being poked in the stomach/my love handels/whatever: You think being poked is fun!? =__________=
3) When I am lectured about my posture and physically people straighten up my back: -Shakes head- I don't care if I will be a hunch back.
4) When people brag: I don't give a apple's bottom. o__O
5) When I get sad: ;___; I like being happy.
6) When people abuse my kindness: Yes, it is like I have no emotions.
7) When people hit me..When it is really hard: -Rubs bruises-
8 ) When people treat me stupidly: HEY! I maybe stupid but...Uh...-Stares blankly-
9) When I fail tests: . . .I am lazy.
10) When I am not wierd: . . .o___O -ZOMG UNIVERSAL SWITCH-

So basically those are the most ten things I hate. n__n Whoo~ I feel so much better now. -Nods-

So basically I love you all. heart n___n Even if I get angry, I am still that happy, hunchback, bad grammar, Mekura! -Opens arms-

. . .

;____; No hug?

User Comments: [1]
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Jun 12, 2006 @ 01:58am
*huggles* Aww, you need luff, and attention. I'm sensing lots of needed attention here. *nods*

User Comments: [1]
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