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Mekura's Cereal Box! Opinionated writings about my really boring life. Just take a look and cry at the pathetic journal enteries I spend five hours on. Otherwise, YOU SIMMER!

Gnarly The Dolphin
Community Member
Janet: News update! Today was when the Easter Egg Hunting had started and all of Gaia citizens went to Von Helson's mansion to find the eggs! When you had found all of the eggs you would take them to the Easter Bunny and then you would get a prize.

George: My spitty is still stuck on my hand. =3

Janet: So anyways many gaians had went crazy today trying to find those eggs but some of them didn't exceed. And then they went crazy...And stopped. *cough*

George: Even if I try to shake my hand the spitty won't come off. n.n Her teeth are really pointy..
Janet: Georage... stare
George: Oh my gosh fruit juice is coming out of my skin!
Janet: That is blood....
George: O.O....n.n imagination is the key of life.
Janet: Riiiight. stare 3nodding Anyways we were lucky enough to get a interview with The Von Helson Sisters! Yaaay! n.n Man does it always hurt to smile like this? X.x
George: Yay more fruit juice is coming out!
Janet: Roll the clip.. stare
Janet: It is so nice to meet you!
Marie: It is nice to see you too...
Anna Corrine: But only at times people can see us. So you should admire the time.
Both: Ohohohoho
George: Oh my golly...your twins! n.n
Janet: ...You relize this now? stare
Marie: One of those silly dolls is still on your hand. stare
George:....It's breath smells like catfood.
Both: GROSS! gonk
Janet: Please ignore him he has issues.
George: Issuses make the sun come up. =3
Janet: Anyways moving on sweatdrop How does it feel to hold this event in your classy mansion?
Anna Corrine: It is a lot of work but for the citizens of Gaia we will do anything.
Marie: So we can rub it in Gambino's face!
Both: Ohohoohoho!
George: I like plastic things. n.n
Janet: What does it feel like to be the richest people in Gaia?
Anna Corrine:It is such a job sometimes to be at the top.
Mare: But no matter what we do we always will be the richest people!
Both: Ooho--
George: Do you always laugh like that that? O.O
Janet: GEORGE!
George: You want to see my spitty?
*meow goes on and then the t.v. goes blank and in the background screaming is heard*

George: They really liked my spitty =3 They even offered me this bunny mask. *wearing bunny mask*
Janet: -.-...George your wearing it backwards
George: Sure it is crazy lady. n.n
Janet: Please join us tonight, as we will ask the Easter Bunny some questions.
George: I thought he only came around time at Christmas!O.O
Janet: That is Santa
George: No thats the tooth fairy!

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