had another weird dream last night..>.< cant really remember how it starts off and ends now cauz its like afternoon now but anyway. it started off with my sister borrowing a horse from the library(dont Ask me how that works) and its in the backyard pooing everywhere. then theres this random bit(isi, ur in it) and i think im asking isi for help or something. then i leave and do something then come back to isi, except it isnt isi, its some other person who hardly resembles isi but has some of the same features. anyway this person insists that their isi, and i find out that isi has been eaten>.< and so the imposter runs off into a bamboo forest or something and me and some randoms try to find a way to make the imposter bring back all the people it has eaten. anyway i think thats it>,< god that was such a strange dream.
sassy_starry · Sun Apr 08, 2007 @ 07:58am · 4 Comments |