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Yokoshii's crazy thoughts about everything
A Place where I write about my day, stuff that pisses me off and generally anything else I wana write about ^^
Yellow, Jellow, Mellow, Marshmellow.....HELLO!!!!
Well, on the weekend. I haven't been on too much this past lil bit. Lately I've just been hanggging out with friends and such. I'm getting my friend to teach me how to play my guitar. I can almost pull off seven nation army xd . Hope Everyone doing well and for todays entry I'll think I'll only put in one thing that pisses me off to NO end.

My Friend Thomas Chevrier
Same grade as me, One of the funniest guys I know, Plays Football and lots of friends. I met him one day when My best friend Nick braught him over after a football practise. His dad is a huge p***k, He kicks him out of the house for little things and his stepmom is a complete b***h, Last winter they packed up all of toms recreational stuff like video games and books and threw them into the salvation armies Drop box and it was apparently all of His stepmoms idea. He ended up jumping the fence and getting his stuff back and where did he end up dragging it to ? My house. The problem is that he takes advantage my mothers and my own good hospitality to the point where he is extremely disrespectful. He at one point came over everyday of the week. Even if Iasked him to leave he wouldn't.....He wouldn't even just sit outside of the door. He broke into the house by going through windows and by making sure the front door was unlocked so that he could get in later. He got to the point where it was like me being bullied, I became a prisoner in my own home due to him, He's funny, but he's also very loud. When I just wanted to be alone and didn't want him around he made sure that he was around and always he was in the fridge. One day he ate like 50 dollars worth of groceries and left me with nothing that night. When we tried putting wood in the windows so that they wouldn't shut and we locked the front door, he ended up knocking a peice of wood out of the window and coming in anyways. There was this one time where he said that his brother would pick him up in a half hour, he ended up at m house the entire night, That was the night he took a marker to the walls of my room. My room needs to be completely repainted now. He asked if he could, I asked that if he did if he would leave me alone. He said yes but he didn't leave, he just kept writing and while this happened I ended up depressed and crying in my pillow. Also, some mornings he walks to my house for a ride and come thundering up the stairs yelling "Wake up Princess!!!!" And it annoys the ******** out of me. The worst part is that my mother never gets angry ehough to ban him from the house, even after the vandalising of my walls.......Cause whenever I look around my rooms there are stupid phrases, pictures of pigs, rats and penises. My main beefs with him ar e as follows= He brakes into the house, eats all the food, Vandalises my rooms, acts like a loud idiot, calls me princess and he has no respect for me and doesn't listen. WULP!!! That's all my bitching for today. Later all.

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Oct 11, 2004 @ 01:20am
Yay for bitching!

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 30, 2004 @ 04:57am
Add a laxitive to the food he eats the most. Make your pain be his on the toilete.

Dorg Endo
Community Member
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