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Yokoshii's crazy thoughts about everything
A Place where I write about my day, stuff that pisses me off and generally anything else I wana write about ^^
more in my head O.o
It's the I HATE GAME
I hate
People who all dress the same cause it's Apparently cool
Prissy a** emo Kids
Other prissy a** people
People who don't stand up for themselves
People who are having troubles and don't ask for help
People who constantly make out and call it a relationship

I'll name some more later

anyways, The good things in my life at the moment.
First off, I beat that new ratchet and clank Game Wich is extremely fun >w< and I am in training for next years football season....and Godamn is it ever hard. I am carrying a Book bag that weighs over a hundred pounds, I packed it full of bricks and encyclopedias. Only problems I've had with it so far is that I had this wicked a** cramp.....God did that ever suck >.<...But the problem was that was the night after I had been sick for a few days and the next day When I went to school I had a anxiety attack and I had to go home. I got some advice and I think I'm ready to face it again ^^

I am Slowly realising though that Myself am a lil insecure, there is a girl that I think I may like...But I don't even have the guts to Phone her up and talk with her. Everone has their weakpoint I guess......I can Handle 6 ft Football players lunging at me, I can deal with bullies who Make fun of others, I can handle dishing out amazing advice But for some reason I can't bring myself to talk with her. .....If anyone reads this..and tries to give me advice on this subject...i'll slap them sill >.<

More of my flaws, So everyone knows that I'm not perfect........I have a fear of Mentally retarded people, When I was a kid, I had this class with a retarded person at the YMCA and it Freaked me out so much that I left the class and never went back. Now I can't deal with them, I don't even like to be around them. I know it doesn't make me a bad person cause I can't help being afraid of them, it's not a rational fear at all....Like what am I afraid of ? Do I think they are gonne bite me and I'm gonne become stupid or something...yeah....that sounded kinda prejuidice...Apoligies all round...with cookies and milk afterwards

I'm starting to realise that the in crowd that I see is extremely insecure, all of the guys are always working out so that they look good so that they can get a girl, once they get a girl they think they are the godamn s**t therefore only reinforcing the thought that they need a significant other to validate their existence. They have no faith that they can be acceopted if they didn't have a girlfriend...man I love tge song Broken english By: rise against......Such a good song Back to the topic, In my opinion dating isn't even necessary at all iuntil like senior year of high school, that way your relationship is done in a year at the most anyways and you can learnn that you don't need to be with someone else to feel good. You can understand that it's more of a privelige than a right. I feel thats what most of the people who havve been together for a long time see it as. Anyway, I feel I've ranted long enough for now ^^ Bye all.

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Nurse Rebirth
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 07, 2004 @ 09:57pm
Your hate list makes me happy, I agree to every extent...

Anyway, you should watch yourself in training: Don't hurt yourself with that thing. @_@ *pat pat*

As for the relationship rant on the end, I have to agree... Not to mention that even if the guys work out they will still only, and for the most part, go out with the easy and/or pretty girls. >_>
Girls do quite the same if you ask me so it's not limited to just guys. And all of them who do it are idiots, quite frankly...

commentCommented on: Mon Nov 08, 2004 @ 10:06pm
I hate emo kids too.....*pats*

btw, you're siggy roxxors my soxxors!!! heart blaugh

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S0v13t Mudk1p
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 09, 2004 @ 05:29am
You beat Rachet and Clank? Sweet. @w@

Yay for hating prissy a** emo kids.

Don't worry, mental people scare me too.

That is true... Ha... Relationships are for squares. rolleyes

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 12, 2004 @ 05:20am
Hehe... *random happy person*

Goodluck with the training stuff, but don't hurt yourself~ With the hate list the only thing I don't agree with is people not asking for help... unless you mean someone to egotistical to ask for help~ ^__^; Or if it's something serious...

Anyways~ About your little dating comment... I agree~ I don't care much for relationships though... don't plan on ever being in one~ I also think people shouldn't make themselves look good in order to get with someone, or for other people in general. If one is going to try looking good, one should do it for themselves~

You seem like an interesting person~

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 16, 2004 @ 02:45pm
*ish looking for a slapping* I don't care.

Heh, I remember Senior year. It sucked as well as had its high points. It's not a fear of speaking to a member of the opposite sex, that's not it. It's the fear of the unknown. 3nodding Just start out small, compliment her on something that you honestly feel that deserves complementing (like her shoes or music that she listens to or anything as long as you keep it simple). Slowly, start getting into longer discussions with her until you see that class doesn't give you nearly enough time to talk, and then you can phone her. Keep her intellectually stimulated, too. wink I know you can, you seem like a smart guy. I hated when beefheads spoke to me one week, and the rest of the year we were skirting around eachother cause we didn't have anything to say. It was, needless to say, akward.

(Oh, dear, when I was smaller, I feared mentally handicapped people, too, but it was because one was in love with my mom and kept comming over randomly (he was like 40) and it made me cry. crying I got over it though.)

Good luck with training! 3nodding

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 12, 2004 @ 02:51pm
I love you man I love you heart

not sexual but like a brother i'd do anything for

Damned Existance
Community Member
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