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Yokoshii's crazy thoughts about everything
A Place where I write about my day, stuff that pisses me off and generally anything else I wana write about ^^
My days crazy events of me being sick!!!!

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Aysel Fang
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Oct 07, 2004 @ 09:21pm
Nice long one today I see 0.o But yea your ideas do work with a few things but you need to remember your only seeing one side of everything most things thats all there is but others have many sides that you can't or won't see. Remember that! when you look at things

commentCommented on: Thu Oct 07, 2004 @ 11:20pm
A-freakin'-men. --' The sad part is, these people with the boyfriends and the girlfriends all making out and such, all start in middle school. --' Yep, my middle school is now a "find-a-date- school. --' It bothers me. I mean...I have a crush on a kid or 2 but it's only a crush. They're my normal friends and I don't want that to change. You're completely right about the respect thing too. It starts as a child though...parents lettin' the children run the house and abuse priviledges...yeah I abuse my priv's once in awhile but it's nothing serious and boy do I pay afterwards. >.<

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Sexual Becca
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Oct 08, 2004 @ 02:41am
Ok so I will have to say Most of that is right *As Usual* But that's only onen side of the story I can agree with the little 9th grader part *points at herself* Seeing as though I am one too but still my group of friends is a mixter from 9-12 so BAH anyways I guess I will quit my bitching and move on with my life

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 08, 2004 @ 03:11am
What amuses me the most is that they actually believe that their relationships with one another are "real." Mwahaha, wait until they get into college, then its a totally different ball game.

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Captain Seraphina
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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 08, 2004 @ 01:41pm
Last year when i was a 9th grader all of the 9th graders where tame and everyone loved us,but omg this year!!! so many idiots have just been dropped in our schools lap and it sucks. gonk

p.s. you have to come look at my journal too Yokoshii

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