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Yokoshii's crazy thoughts about everything
A Place where I write about my day, stuff that pisses me off and generally anything else I wana write about ^^
Good day my loyal fans !!!!
Well, for today....well...it's tuesday...and that means....I HAD FRIED CHICKEN FOR 2.20 !!!! HUZZAH!!!! Well, other than that there isn't much going on. In my math class there is this extremely chubby girl behind me who seems like a utter moron yet acts all self important and b***h like. I really do wonder when girls mature into women and realize that they aren't going to find a guy by being a pretensious ((sp)) b***h. Ah well, I think I'm gonna get a math tutor. I get the material just fine but I'm getting mid sixty Marks back and I can't afford it, I'll get me a math tutor!!! Ace it...and then hopefully never take math again if I don't have to!!!! YESH!!! Beaing Canadian rules all BIATCH!!!!! What else is there to say, well lately I've been exercising more. mostly on my bike going from one end of the city to another. OH and sunday when I ddi it About have way up My asma ((sp)) Kicked in. It sucked and was scary, I had trouble breathing. I still made it to the video store and rented three movies !!!! (( walking tall, Blue Gender, X Dvd one)) Right now though, My stomach is burning and I could eat a damn Cow......Meh....Heres todays funny picies ^^

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Sexual Becca
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Oct 07, 2004 @ 03:25am
I think its Asthma Anyways HI

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 31, 2004 @ 02:16am
yellow eek

Moonlit Midnight
Community Member
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