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x Lord Skull x's Journal
This Journal will have my thoughts on the paranormal, creatures of the night, and the unknown.
Scratch, Scratch, Scratch(Urban Legend)
An interesting Urban Legend if you've never heard of is about a crippled lunatic who grew his fingernails out to cut or murder his victims. He would come out during the night sky to claim anyone who was out when they shouldnt of been.

You could tell when he was coming by the the distinct "Scratch Scratch..Drag....Scratch Scratch..Drag" sound he made. I believe the urban myth said a little girl decided to obey her mother and play out during the night. In the end she was killed by the murderer...because everyone was too scared to open their doors. She I suppose was scratching on the door to let her in.

Anyway, This story was, of course, made to keep people in during curfew. Yet, what if it was true? Interesting see such an event also somewhat frightening.

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