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x Lord Skull x's Journal
This Journal will have my thoughts on the paranormal, creatures of the night, and the unknown.
Sorry I haven't put up a recent journal entry, but I've been busy and have just recently returned to Gaia. A lot of things have changed or so it seems....Houses...cooler items...Von Helsen Sisters.

So anywayz I suppose I have a one thing for you guys. Two days ago I had a weird dream where something in a darkish robe was leaning over my bed side...and little by little it leaned its head down as if to eat me or whatever. I woke up with a jolt from it and noticed nothing was in my dark room, yet the dream was so real and the funny thing is I had just woken up from a dream before the dark figure.


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 12:38pm
That is weird..

I had a dream that my Grandpa (who is dead) had a chance to make one last phone call before he is completely gone. he called my mom and then i played him all the things that I composed and I read him my all my poems that I typed since he died. He said hes not dead and he said that he was gonna come back so now im afraid to get the door when sombody rings it. I need to keep reality with me.

Scary right? eek


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