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x Lord Skull x's Journal
This Journal will have my thoughts on the paranormal, creatures of the night, and the unknown.
Scratching Sound
An interesting thing happened to me last night. Around 2:00 a.m. I heard what sounded like scratching coming from my dresser. Not a rustle...like someones nails scratching against the wood. It lasted for about 20 minutes...then let off.

I awoke again around 4:00 a.m. to the scratching, yet it was louder this time and more persistant. After what seemed like an hour I left the room and slept on the couch.

Interesting Note: I checked the dresser the next day to find the suspected item. Found no bugs or items pertaining to the sound, but whats funny is..early I had found a small wooden statue by the side of the road. As a fool for lovely objects...I took it home and placed it on my dresser. Can ghost attach themselves to objects? Who knows....all I know is...that object is back on the street corner where it belongs xd

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