Midnight Lace
Community Member
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 @ 04:21am
Ruianic Arian. Prolouge to My Story.
This may be confusing for you, but any questions are free to be asked. :] Or if you want more just ask me and I'll post chapter one up here. I have plenty to work from. :3PROLOUGE.
In the midst of a forest lies a ruin, said to withhold an ancient power that of which remains dormant. This forest was located on a land, offset the continent of Arian. In the heart lies the ruin that reveals a past now long forgotten. The elders of the land thought it wise to hold what they knew deep inside. Manuscripts documenting the historical feat were soon veered, as it was then considered forbidden.
Scholars yearned to learn of this great path of destruction, as well as the secrets to this ruin. They went on pilgrimages to secure a vast amount of land to be studied, yet never made it back. It is said that soon a race descended from this particular monument. Those that had disappeared never did return, but instead remained there, filling the cherished land with new structures, new beliefs, and a whole new culture.
But yet why wasn’t it found? Scholars remained active about their study of this ancient land, but came face to face with a wall of white. They soon gave up, as they knew it was too late to do anything about it. They would find out a clue somewhere down the line. They were wrong, for humans could not see this land in naked eye. They were living right on it, and knew not of the horrible fate of which would destroy their race.
Soon humans began to build a monument of their God, who was mighty above all. Bowing down, they worshiped him… until destruction had come across their land as well, wiping out all but one. That one, a woman who knew that their God was never there, soon closed herself from their world to pray to the mighty beings in the sky.
Followers began to come to her for information and guidance. She helped them in ways “that describe how the sky would lead them to their fate”. A name to her was given, and she soon became their mighty leader. Elirias, the Goddess of death and life. Beseeched the name for she performed rituals based upon will and heart, strength and soul, she raised a new group of people. Non-humans, shadowed from the world, and filled with doubt, she gave them new hope.
Elemental abilities spread quickly as the city flourished around her. Dark powers emerged victorious in battle. Not evil, but good. Other continents grew fearful of their power, and soon too had to go relocate to a planet called Earth, the Center Power of the Human Race, where those without elemental abilities would carve their own world where they could thrive and flourish as well.
In hopes to achieve greater birth of their newly formed powers, the elementals set up a meditation ceremony, and once a year, they’d gather, and hold a dance around the alter, which was formed of the steel and might of dark energy by the powerful constructors of the palace itself. The alter being the shadow form of Elirias, their Goddess. Yet how did she acquire a shadow form and such dark abilities…when she was human to begin with? Darkness came about as their Goddess disappeared. Only later would they come to understand why, when a Halfling was born.
Today this ancient ruin is studied for its magnificent architecture, drawings and the ways of the people and past. This ruin's engravings cannot be read, for the language is unknown. Little do they know of its potential. Only then would they realize what dormant power this ancient relic possessed…
And only then would this dark world see the light of the new day come to pass.
Community Member
keep up the good work!