Life isn't how I'd like it.
There are so many things I could change that I can't, or things that I can't undo that I wish to go back and redo to get it right. Or people I wish I knew better that I'll never get to know again in my life.
Perhaps it's best if I just keep quiet about those things. There are things people can't have in their lifetime, but it doesn't mean they can't try for them. Just a few days ago I got my schedule redone, and I tried my hardest to insist upon taking Journalism. I won. But, the thing is, will I be accepted in that class for who I am? Not for how "young" I am?
Or that I'd like to try even harder and make my way over to the other school where 3/4 of my friends are at the moment? But I can't knowing that the school board hates me and doesn't want more people than they need in that school.
Or that I have specific issues in my life I wish I could solve, but seemingly cannot because my inability or inexperience to these things pull me down?
More later. I'm questioning alot lately. And I don't know why. I'm not delving too far deep, not yet anyway..