Daughter to Mother.
Sometimes I sit on my bed,
stare through the window and up at the sky.
Sometimes I wish for a rainbow,
to make me happy when I cry.
Sometimes I think I'm alone,
and wish that we were always together.
Some days I hope continuously that you'd hold my hand,
and tell me you love me forever.
And as I sat by my grandmother's grave,
I could've sworn I saw a light.
Did it mean hope, or was she there just not with me?
telling me she was always by my side?
As I lie crying, curled up and face hidden,
the words so painful I'm nearly crushed.
Sometimes I wish I'd just disappear,
instead of being told I'm hated so much.
I know I'm not perfect, I know that for a fact,
but mommy, dear, why do you hate me like that?
Have I done something terrible that I should be aware of?
That I should know as to why you're not giving me love?
No smile, no tender loving care,
just a few words of utter distaste,
and a quiver full of glares.
Each one piercing, painful than the last.
Daughter to mother,
she sends these words of love.
Mother to daughter,
she sends her daughter above.
Sometimes I wish this were like a song,
a song I know - - it's on my mind.
And in the end of this song,
it's a dream this girl is trying to find.
But she dies, and the world forgets her.
I know I will be different.
But our stories are just alike,
only I won't die in the end.
Dearest mother, where is that love?
Your daughter is alone,
her heart can't take anymore,
those wing'sve never flown.
Dearest mother, don't get that coffin ready.
this girl wants to live.
Help your daughter pursue one more goal,
don't make her give in.
Mom, I've lost my hope many times. You've broken my heart and torn me to pieces. You've shattered my dreams and took away what I had left.
But you can't take my pride away. You can't take my will to live away. No matter what you do to me, what you say, you won't ever take it. I won't stand up only to be brought down.
And that's a fact.
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