A girl was sitting on a swing, wondering whether the future is flowing like a stream which branches off into separate realities for each, depending on what choice had occurred, or if it is an intangible force, causing what is to happen, happen. Ume, destiny, fate... something unchangeable, a room with no windows; the only exit being a door. Now, she thinks, as one would, what if one was able to define the future. Could they change it, being that it was only one of many? Or would seeing it not be able to change it or actually seeing it is used and part of the reason as to why it was caused in the first place. Meaning, that if she saw the future, it was because it was her fate, destiny, to see it and do something about it... But what if she didn't? If what is seen changed because you saw it and changed it, wouldn't that mean it never happened or was going to happen in the first place? But, if you just saw it and didn't change it, wouldn't that mean it did happen, but couldn't be changed? But if you did see it, and made it so it didn't happen, it was fate that you changed it, you were supposed to change it, so the future wasn't really changed because you were supposed to? These thoughts whirled around the girl's head as she walked home from the park that chilly afternoon. Getting home, shivering, since the wind seemed to scream right though her clothes, her wind-breaker tissue paper. She put the kettle on, it whistling as she got her cup ready for some tea. Pouring the steamingly hot water into her cup, she decides to add some honey, she never really did like tea without sugar or honey, it just always tasted too bland or weird witout it. Honey in one hand, her tea cup and a spoon in the other, she walks from the kitchen to the dining room. Suddenly, as she's nearing the living room, she sees herself in the livingroom, spoon of honey over her tea dripping it in as her father walks in the door. Walking into the living room, she thinks that it can't be, her father has already left for work, so why would he walk into the house from the front door? The girl opens the honey and spoons out some honey, letting the honey drip into her tea. Just then, her father walks through the door..... He had forgotten something, his cellphone, that he needed for work. He had left it on his other pants. Just as the girl had seen not a minute before, it came true. If she had decided not to have honey, it would have changed, right? If she had decided to do it in the kitchen, it would have never happened, correct? Could she have changed it? Would, then, the future be a flowing stream with unpredictable possibilities... Or is it really a fate or destiny as unchangeable as many people make it out to be... An untangeable, omnipresence that has the future on one specificly set course...
bluevibes · Sun Feb 11, 2007 @ 01:27am · 0 Comments |