Okay… Enough with this crap and my going off into lala thought. Right now, I have to focus on a way to get out of this mess with my honor and my body to a physical pain minimum…. Yeah, considering the mob that’s doing the wave right now, ending up with a few bruises is the least of my worries… Urgh! Caleb shakes his head slightly, trying to unfog his head filling with grim thoughts so he, by great chance and cunning, can approach the principal as if he DIDN’T know what was going on…. Yeah, consideringly, fat chance there. Okay! Pay attention now! Caleb reprimanded himself as his eyes focused on the principal with new zeal since, obviously, the principal seemed to realize that Caleb had been looking through him, not at him for the last, what, thirty seconds? A minute? That didn’t bode too well, and the fact that he wasn’t surprised by Caleb’s thoughtful, if not calm, manner was understandable, Caleb guessed that that wasn’t a very good omen to him getting any slack when the encroaching conversation DID start. Clearing his throat, the principal eyed Caleb, giving him the literal impression of being asked if he was ready to finally start a probable long-winded explanation and a definite tiring defending argument, which he could hopefully slip in. Now that’s hopefully since the principal isn’t the easiest to have a conversation with, Caleb thought with grim satisfaction, remembering that the principal was a domineering person with a big ego, and a “My way or the highway,” literally meaning my way or I’ll kick you so hard that your tail bone with crack and launch you into my way, kind of personality. Yay, a megalomaniac, that’s all I need… I hope he’s at least not like some of those teachers that treat you like an ill-mannered dog; as if you’re expected to whine back an apology. That is not in my job description, and I hope he doesn’t expect it to be. Sighing, Caleb resigned himself to listening to what the principal had to say, tucking his hands in his denim jean pockets where his house keys and allowance roamed free to crinkle and get wet in the wash, since Caleb always forgot to empty his pockets. More than once he had found fives or tens in his pockets unexpectedly, which made him wonder why someone as smart as him keeps forgetting to check his pockets or at least know how much money he has to his name at the moment. Luckily, though, this was a totally different topic, and he realized he was mainly just trying to stall, he really didn’t want to go through this. He had been the victim here, losing his childhood memories and having (thank god, in his case) to change schools because of it. It wasn’t fair that gossip cause him to be blamed as the one at fault, since, considering the news he sneaked a listen at, though his guardian told him not to, it was impossible for one of mediocre talents as himself (physically, that is) to do what was done. He didn’t know the specifics but he knew at least that it was impossible for him, a high school student, to do that much damage in such a short-lived time. “ I’ll get straight to the point,” The principal eyed him with much annoyance since Caleb had drifted back into lala land for at least another minute without noticing, and the principal’s voice had wrenched him out of it, causing him to jump in surprise. Yeah, real smart Caleb, ignoring the principal considering how much s**t you’re in now to reminisce about the past, YET AGAIN. “ – I think you are aware of how much the students and,” the principal waved a hand in the general direction of the door where some noise slipped in here and there, “ the parents feel about having such a person with such a… dark incident…Under his belt near their children. I think it’s valid enough to worry some of the parents to hysterics, don’t you?” Of course this was a purely rhetorical question, meaning that he wasn’t expected to answer, just accept it as is. Yeah, right. I’m not scared shitless like most people that come into your office, Caleb thinks as he opens his mouth to respond. The other door not barred by angry parents probably on the PTA opened, allowing a stream of cool, fresh air to fill the room, making Caleb realize just how much he needed it. Turning to see as to whom opened the door, he realized the antithesis of what he had said previously. He really REALLY didn’t need to see his guardian in the doorway, his cold gray eyes passing over the whole scene nonchalantly; taking in the sound of the PTA members slipping through the cracks around the door. Closing the door, he took of his cloak and sat in the other chair to the left of Caleb, draping the said cloak on the left armrest, not bothering to go to the coat rack by the door. Ooh, I take that back, I think I’ll keep my mouth shut and my eyes super-glued to whatever is coming. The principal, trying to assess this place as his territory once more, laced his hands and rested them on his desk in front of him, his chair squeaking from his new forward posture. “I’m glad you’re here Mr. Chrnosian,” The principal, to Caleb’s surprise, didn’t seem to think of him as a problem, “ As you know, everything hit the fan and as expected great chaos has ensued, parents here, students frightened. I know that… Incidents… Wasn’t Caleb’s doing, but the fact that he’s the only witness, the only one---“ The principal flushed suddenly and, clearing his throat, “ People are either curious, not many mind you, usually… or fearful of the possibility of it happening once more. The thing is that anything related to such an incident would be thought of as dangerous to be near, human-wise, like someone having the plague. You wouldn’t want to be near anyone like that unless you had to, not even with the vaccination running through your veins.” Caleb didn’t care anymore, didn’t care if did end up having to quit this school since he was already smarter than even the teachers here. That’s what he thought and, as unbelieving as it sounded for a top-notch school, it was mostly true. All the teachers did, really actually had to do, was read from the textbook, memorize a couple things only for the day, and be strict to the students. Teachers here have too much fun, Caleb thought, They live for ordering around the students, it was like a game, seeing how many they can reprimand daily. I bet they even have a score board in the faculty lounge, and a list sheet telling how many points each student was. Caleb almost smirked, but realizing exactly what was going on, he thought better of it. Under the circumstances, it was best not to make things worse for yourself, especially when the person you’re living with is very strict and you can never tell exactly what he’s thinking, let alone what the consequences of your actions will be. “ I understand your concerns Mr. Dillford,” Mr. Chrnosian replied after a moment of silence, his deep voice sending undercurrent layers of detail with every syllable. Standing with his cloak, motioning for Caleb to do the same, and reaching into his pocket, “ Here.” Mr. Chrnosian slipped an envelope just big enough for a check that Caleb suspected was inside it onto the desk and slid it not a handbreadth from Mr. Dillford’s twitching hands. Walking to the door, Caleb followed and was about to open it when the door opened, almost hitting Caleb if not for his guardian’s hand on his back collar that he had used to yank him away from the door. Voices could be heard, many shrill, but most angry. The man who had opened the door was, no surprise there, Mr. Chrnosian’s chauffeur who came to warn him of the growing mob outside and the defilement of his very expensive, fairly new ( fairly old to his guardian), 2005 Rolls-Royce Phantom. Glancing at Mr. Dillford, it was obvious that the envelope was helping his incentive in contributing to the solution to this new arisen problem. Turning on the mike for the PA system, the principal cleared his throat before he boomed his voice into each classroom, even the parking grounds behind him. “ Will the parents of the children of this school please act your age, as adults, and set a good example for your children. If you cannot do this simple of a thing, I will have no choice but to call the federal offices, have them escort you off, and become an embarrassment to this civil society. As you can tell, your children are safe and the teachers would like to get on with their lessons in peace. If you wish to speak with me, either schedule an appointment, send an e-mail or call on my private extension…” And so on and so forth… The day is finally at an end! Finally! Hn, well, other than some light dents and key marks to characterize the event left on the car, the parents left us in peace. Thank you for your snide and domineering ways, principal, and the large check some didn’t hurt either. Caleb stole a relieving sigh as he looked out the back window, not wanting to face his uncle just yet. Even though if it wasn’t for him, he might have ended up in the hospital, the thought of being at home with him was fearful enough. It wasn’t a sure thing as to whether his guardian was feeling at the moment. Angry? Frustrated? Indifferent? Either way, once at the house, there was no turning back. Once at the house with no one around (the maids only were allowed out of their rooms on certain days, at certain times, and on their days off since their rooms consisted of everything that an apartment included) and being rich meant that behind closed doors, not even the walls had ears. Most would think there was no way anyone could keep secrets secret that well, but they probably had never met Mr. Chrnosian. He was so good at keeping secrets and things under wraps that Caleb doubted whether anyone would notice if even the president were to be killed by him, let alone take action. Caleb watched on as the house reared up in the distance. Never a home, just a house, Caleb thought as the gates opened up to the long and elegantly flourished garden on either side that enhanced the driveway. The driveway was long, but lead almost straight to the house where it circled to the walkway and stone steps leading to the double doors. The one thing, the ONLY thing Caleb ever really liked about this place was the greenery, especially the trees that rose up on either side of the house, the only two twenty yards in diameter near the house. After that though, trees rose up as if to surround and protect the place, never looking choked or ugly, but full. The car stopped, a chauffeur opening a door on each side so as to allow for their simultaneous exit of the car. Expressionless, the two took to the walkway, up the stone steps and through the double doors held open by a servant on either side. They had been called from their rooms automatically by some device that went off when Mr. Chrnosian returned. Caleb wasn’t sure exactly how this worked or even why he found it necessary, but he never asked. Caleb was afraid of the answer since his guardian was very unpredictable, which meant it was best not to question, only accept. Caleb followed like a dog on a leash to Mr. Chrnosian’s office where he seated himself behind his dark oak oiled desk, and gestured Caleb to seat himself in the stiff-backed chair which was on the other side. Caleb sat and stared straight back at his guardian as expressionless as the face that replied to his stare. Breaking the silence, Mr. Chrnosian rather coarsely, which didn’t suit him at all by the way, said, “You seem not too bad off, being that there seems to be a bruise beginning to show itself on your face and your clothes are not as impeccably kept as they usually are. Accounting for the day, go clean and rest. I’ll have you sent for later.” Apparently having said all he had to say, Mr. Chrnosian waited, staring once more expressionlessly at Caleb. Caleb was sure he hadn’t been excused, so Mr. Chrnosian definitely wanted a response, at least that was what Caleb thought. He could never really tell what his guardian was thinking, the best he could do was make educated guesses and hope for the best results. “ Thank you, Mr. Chrnosian,” Caleb replied, hoping this was correct. “ I shall take my leave now.” Caleb began to stand when Mr. Chrnosian interjected, “ I thought I told you to call me Uncle Chrnosian. I thought that someone that was supposed to be a good student and have the ability to remember things could at least remember this.” Caleb bit the inside of his cheek, feeling the heat and the almost metallic taste replace the pain, calming his tongue which wanted to lash out profanities. Calmly, an almost cold air to it, Caleb replied, “ Of course, Uncle, please excuse my earlier response.” With that said, Caleb waited for his “Uncle’s” consent, where he left smoothly and slowly once it was obtained. Closing the door behind him, he allowed himself to huffily ascend the stairs to the bath that was surely waiting for him. Chapter 2: Yami ni Obieru Koe o k**e…<listen to the Voice when Afraid of the Dark>
The boy stopped, turning around everso to say over his shoulder, “ Man was never meant to fly, submerge, or reach the stars. The difference between us and God’s ideal is that we don’t take no or impossible for an answer.” And with that, the boy continued to walk into the intangible unknown…
Caleb sat quietly, inspecting the food set before him with careful consideration. Hmmm….. Either 1. They’re trying to starve me 2. They’re trying to kill me or 3. A very important discussion is going to occur. Caleb let the odd looking, and even odder smelling liquid leek from his spoon and back into his bowl. I’ll take number 2 for 500. Now that I notice it… There’s two more places set at the table. Wonder as to whom they’re for… Caleb set down his spoon as his “Uncle” cleared his throat, an obvious sign of a discussion about to start. Oh great, I’ve been looking forward to this all day… Wonder what he’s decided for me about my schooling, my future. I wonder if there is a school anywhere that’ll accept me now… “ You’re wondering as to whom those two places are for, am I right?” Uncle asked, placing his napkin from his lap and onto the table. “ I can see it written all over your face. Ah~h… I thought I taught you better, but it seems that you’re still as readable as ever. Now, on a brighter note, a shall introduce you to our first guest that has decided to grace us with his presence.” Uncle motioned with sweeping grace to the now open door. There, in the entrance, stood a most aloof looking man with almost greasy looking black hair, thin lip mustache, and an oily voice that just cries out as a lower Mafia boss’s thug, or at least a car salesman with faulty goods. His white pin-striped black suit added to the Mafia thug look, as he walked into the room and seated himself in on one of the two empty places set. “ Caleb, this is Mr. Ecchi, he is here at my wish,” Uncle implied further, “ and as you might have guessed, this is about you and your school issue. He is the vice principal of a very prominent boarding school that is willing to welcome you whole-heartedly even all things considered.”
bluevibes · Sun Feb 18, 2007 @ 05:37am · 1 Comments |