I wonder if doctors, after a time, even feel for their patients any more?
It doesn't quite seem fair that out of everything; when they can't even explain why something is happening that they aren't curious or don't want to know. Something in human nature that is unanswerable. Wow. That doens't seem to happen. It's an enigma that the one thing they can't answer they don't seem to especially care about. You know what I need to do? There's this military base near IHOP. One thing I need to do is sneak in there. One thing I want to do is jack one of their tanks.
You know, they're there and people come and go and it never seems like they're doing anything. You never see military grade people in uniforms come out or in and it looks barren. But there are always those vans and cars and food trucks that come and go from there. I think the real action is underground; and I also think it has something to do with sonar and pitches. You know what? You can actually blow someone's head up with the right frequency. PFFFT.
bluevibes · Sun Jul 13, 2008 @ 11:46pm · 0 Comments |